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Added: 2010-03-07

< Azeotrope> how can i check to see if slackware starts at boot the vsftp service?
< rworkman> Azeotrope: unless you made it, it doesn't.
< Azeotrope> rworkman: and how can i make it? i edited inetd.conf but still...
< rworkman> Azeotrope: what makes you think editing /etc/inetd.conf will cause it to start at boot?
< Azeotrope> i know ssh does
< BP{k}> ...
< rworkman> Hi. I edited /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but my home directory is still not encrypted.
< Azeotrope> rworkman: cryptsetup?
< rworkman> *whoosh*

Added: 2010-03-06

< byteframe> Why am I only worth ~7 US dollars?
< rworkman> You don't swallow.

Added: 2010-03-06

< Yanzie> I got it working, thank you for your help all of you, :D I shall now more then likely install BackTrack 4 to my HDD. Cheers and much appreciated
< rworkman> Why is this fodder for ##slackware anyway?
< rworkman> BT4 is not based on Slackware at all.
< rworkman> (which is not to imply that it would be fodder for here if it *were* based on Slackware)
< Yanzie> backtrack-linux channel would not allow me to chat
< rworkman> Tough shit.
< Yanzie> So I came here, get over it?
< rworkman> I'll try to get over it.
-!- mode/##slackware [+o rworkman] by ChanServ
-!- Yanzie was kicked from ##slackware by rworkman [Yanzie]
-!- mode/##slackware [-o rworkman] by rworkman
< rworkman> There. I'm over it.

Added: 2010-03-06

< ClaudioM> so 10.10 in binary is 10 in decimal
< jkwood> Actually, that's 2.5.
< guax> jkwood, there are 10 people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who not.
< jkwood> I agree.
< jkwood> And you're definitely one of them.

Added: 2010-03-04

<+NaCl> I know I might get slapped around for this, but do any of you know where I could ask for NM support?
* NaCl braces himself
<+Delahunt> what is NM?
<+Alan_Hicks> NaCl: New Mexico?
<+NaCl> NetworkManager
<+Alan_Hicks> Try ##gnome or some shit.
<+Alan_Hicks> #someshit may be the correct channel.
<+NaCl> #someshit is not actually a channel here. :P
<+Alan_Hicks> Try ##someshit.
<+NaCl> Nope.
<+Alan_Hicks> Then I guess freenode doesn't support NetworkManager.
* Alan_Hicks wonders if he's gonna get noobfarmed for that.

Added: 2010-03-04

<DeputyDERPDERP> i picked slackware because i saw this name called alienBOB making scripts and shit
<DeputyDERPDERP> was like shit they got some alien named bob working for them
<DeputyDERPDERP> so i downloaded and installed
<DeputyDERPDERP> true story

Added: 2010-03-04

<Blue_Slacker86> how i can upgrade to kde4.4 in slackware 13
<alisonken1noc> upgrade to -current and keep in mind, -current is used for testing the next release of slackware
<Zordrak> Blue_Slacker86:
<Zordrak> alisonken1noc: 4.4 isnt in current, 4.4 requires bob's finagling
<alienBOB> Blue_Slacker86: you can not upgrade to KDE 4.4 in Slackware 13.0. And I would not suggest upgrading to Slackware-current unless you are an experienced Slacker
<Blue_Slacker86> alienBOB: I want to use this ( in your blog , can I use it?
<alienBOB> Blue_Slacker86: not in Slackware 13.0
<alienBOB> It even says so in that article
<Blue_Slacker86> alienBOB: i am now doing it now, how i can cancel it ?

Added: 2010-03-01

Cann0n : ive had to tape a pop sicle stick to my pee pee before... but i was too drunk to get it up
Cann0n : she was all like, WTF? and i was all like RAAAAALF!

Added: 2010-02-27

<Agiofws> hey is there a live feed for the upcoming tsunami somewhere on the net?
<jkwood> Yes, at
* jkwood rolls his eyes
<thrice`> lol

Added: 2010-02-25

< nathanbw> Is it suspicious that through this entire thing, /var/log/nxserver.log has remained completely empty?
< alienBOB> nathanbw: enable logging then?
< nathanbw> alienBOB, sweet. How?
< alienBOB> Edit the freaking conf file
* jkwood logs alienBOB
* alienBOB hits jkwood with a log
* pprkut logs jkwood's log-hit

There are 2270 quotes.