< pprkut> of course. I was just trying to be nice to people like thrice` ;)
* pprkut ducks
* jkwood turkeys
< rob0> Such fowl humor!
< jkwood> rob0: Have I ever told you about my battle with chirpes?
< jkwood> It's a canarial disease, and there's no tweetment.
< jkwood> My ducktor told me I had it, but I think he might be a quack.
< jkwood> He got his tailfeathers all ruffled when I told him to send me his bill.
< rob0> You'll just have to wing it, I guess.
< jkwood> Apparently, I contracted it by committing a cardinal sin.
< jkwood> I should still be able to play baseball though, as it hasn't affected my pidgeon.
< rob0> Robin the cradle? Nothing to crow about.
< jkwood> I'm feeling a little chicken about telling my gullfriend, though.
< jkwood> You're obviously getting bird with this conversation, so Owl drop it like it's hawk.
< rob0> I flew the coop.