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Added: 2010-03-04

<+NaCl> I know I might get slapped around for this, but do any of you know where I could ask for NM support?
* NaCl braces himself
<+Delahunt> what is NM?
<+Alan_Hicks> NaCl: New Mexico?
<+NaCl> NetworkManager
<+Alan_Hicks> Try ##gnome or some shit.
<+Alan_Hicks> #someshit may be the correct channel.
<+NaCl> #someshit is not actually a channel here. :P
<+Alan_Hicks> Try ##someshit.
<+NaCl> Nope.
<+Alan_Hicks> Then I guess freenode doesn't support NetworkManager.
* Alan_Hicks wonders if he's gonna get noobfarmed for that.