<+Camarade_Tux> fire|bird: can you bomb me again?
<+fire|bird> !bomb Camarade_Tux
* AgentAnderson stuffs the bomb into Camarade_Tux's Shoe. The display reads [27] seconds.
<@AgentAnderson> Defuse the bomb by using '!fuse element' Try and choose the correct element. There are four elements. They are Radon, Lithium, Promethium and Germanium.
<+lf4> lol
<+Camarade_Tux> !bomb fire|bird
* AgentAnderson points at the bulge in the back of Camarade_Tux's Boxers.
<+Camarade_Tux> !fuse Radon
<+Camarade_Tux> !bomb fire|bird
-!- Camarade_Tux was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by AgentAnderson [snip...*BOOM!*. (185 green bottles hanging on the wall)]
* AgentAnderson stuffs the bomb into Camarade_Tux's Bra. The display reads [24] seconds.
<@AgentAnderson> Defuse the bomb by using '!fuse element' Try and choose the correct element. There are seven elements. They are Helium, Hydrogen, Titanium, Lithium, Radon, Germanium and Promethium.
-!- Camarade_Tux [~adrien@lal69-3-82-241-208-159.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##slackware-offtopic
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+v Camarade_Tux] by AgentAnderson
<+lf4> Hahaha this should be good
<+Camarade_Tux> how did it react?
<+fire|bird> you'll see
<+Camarade_Tux> ^^
-!- Camarade_Tux was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by AgentAnderson [*BOOM!*. (186 people had limbs blown off in the most excruciatingly painfull way)]
<+lf4> hahahaha
-!- Camarade_Tux [~adrien@lal69-3-82-241-208-159.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##slackware-offtopic
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+v Camarade_Tux] by AgentAnderson
<+fire|bird> hahahahahaha