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Added: 2010-02-24

<gavin___> WARNING: Package has not been created with 'makepkg'
<gavin___> Package wicd- installed.
<alisonken1noc> what was the command you used exactly?
<gavin___> installpkg wicd-
<gavin___> but it was a txz.asc
<gavin___> i changed the file extension. :O

Added: 2010-02-24

< PufferFish> Linux is for retrds

Added: 2010-02-23

<Azeotrope> won't work... run Makefile, sh Makefile, gcc Makefile

Added: 2010-02-19

Cann0n : I'm shoukced that my typing gets better the more I drink.
Cann0n * fails

Added: 2010-02-19

* mag0o pumps fist in the air
* Scuzz wonders why mag0o is holding a severd cock in his fist

Added: 2010-02-18

nix_chix0r ships free samples of ExtenZe
<Camarade_Tux> nope, no need for it here
<Camarade_Tux> you know, without balls, it's pretty useless anyway :-)

Added: 2010-02-18

<+Camarade_Tux> but remember, I still have to buy my cockring :P

Added: 2010-02-18

< BP{k}>
< jkwood> So because Google Buzz conects you with people you email and chat with frequently, it could aid stalkers?
< jkwood> If you're emailing or chatting with a stalker frequently, you're doing it wrong.
< BP{k}> jkwood: that never stopped us from taking to straterra. ;)
< straterra> You've got it wrong
< straterra> If you've talked to me, I'm not stalking you
< straterra> If you've randomly woken up in my basement, chained to the wall, your nose burning with the scent of chloroform, and your anus well lubricated and sore...I'm stalking you

Added: 2010-02-18

<Camarade_Tux> lf4: you have another way to spam noobfarm: produce a lot of actual quotes :-)
<alisonken1noc> I don't think even straterra could generate >that< many quotes to spam noobfarm

Added: 2010-02-17

fire|bird: you must have tiny hands, I didn't feel a thing.

There are 2270 quotes.