<phrags> hey guys
<Jessia> syug yeh
<phrags> everything ok ?
<Jessia> ? ko gnihtyreve
<BP{k}> phrags: kick ban Jessia please :) and thanks :)
<Jessia> ): sknaht dna ): esaelp aisseJ nab kcik :sgarhp
<Zordrak> phrags: yeh. great(!)
<Jessia> )!(taerg .hey :sgarhp
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrag
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrags
* Jessia left (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
<Zordrak> lol
<surrounder> yay
<phrags> someone beat me to it =P
<Zordrak> too little too late buddy :)
<Necos> woohoo!
<Necos> oper-killed
<phrags> well i did *just* get into work, give me a break =P
in 3 minutes...
* Guest85315 (~Star@ joined ##slackware
<phrags> removepkg, upgradepkg
<Guest85315> gkpedargpu ,gkpevomer
<Necos> holy hell
<Guest85315> lleh yloh
<Necos> it's back >.>
<Guest85315> >.> kcab s'ti
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrags
* phrags banned *!*@
* slackboy kicked Guest85315 from ##slackware (Banned)
<phrags> i'll be here all day =P
<surrounder> phrags saves the day!
<Zordrak> if anyone reported Jessia to an oper please report the hostmask to the same oper
<surrounder> phrags: do you wear a cape ? that would be awesome
<+antler> um, i'm a speedo's guy year round. i wear them to the mall to work, etc.
<+antler> thongs are a little too much to wear out
< rworkman> chess: glad to see you alive too :)
< chess> rworkman: hey Robby! :-) how ya doin?
< rworkman> chess: busy as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
< XGizzmo> We need to go out and buy lotto tickets
* jkwood brings out the lemon barrel
< rworkman> hehe
* rworkman is afraid to ask why jkwood has a lemon barrell.
< jkwood> It's the ##slackware lemon barrel.
< rworkman> ah
< jkwood> For special occasions.
< XGizzmo> Don't ask..... Please don't.
< Shuren> today was released an upgrade for emacs... but in the ftp tree i found only the x86_64 release... is that a mistake?
< Shuren> err... my mistake or patrick one?
< thrice`> it's probably still uploading. such bloat takes awhile, you know
< thrice`> or, still compiling
< BP{k}> thrice`: nah, that's why there was three days between emacs update and the last -current update. ;)
< BP{k}> Shuren: it's a subtle signal one shouldn't be using emacs ;)
< jkwood> The problem is, emacs fights back against being compiled. It's gotten so big even the source code is self-aware.
< mancha> emacs compiles itself
< thrice`> emacs has a build-time dep on emacs?
< NaCl> emacs bootstraps itself?
< mancha> emacs killed chuck norris
< Skywise> its not only recursive, its rentrant and polymorphic
< jkwood> NaCl: Absolutely. It's assumed that emacs is installed, given that it's too heavy for most package management tools to remove.
< Skywise> emacs isn't upgraded, it mutates
< mancha> emacs doesn't change its own code, it just alters the hardware it runs on
< Skywise> you don't learn how to use emacs, it trains you to obey
< pprkut> jkwood: especially on debian based systems, where the number of emacs packages is close to infinity
< Cann0n> when did emacs reach Chuck Norris status?
< Skywise> chuck norris stands for good, emacs acts on its own behalf
< jkwood> emacs is biding its time util the human population is able to sustain its hunger for human flesh.
< mancha> even if you turn your machine off, emacs is still running
< NaCl> I heard that someone got a machine to boot into emacs once
< mancha> if you unplug your cat5, rip out all your wireless nics, irc-over-emacs still works
< jkwood> In the meantime, it eats lost packets and socks. And quantum holes through space.
< raendeer> at least emacs provides its own psychological support
< raendeer> in case it runs you down, just talk to its therapist
<+Cann0n> i've been told i sound like a sissy ass bitch
<+raela> borrowed my roommate's bike two years ago to ride on campus on the sidewals.. bike turned and started going for the curb, but I couldn't turn it, so I had to just stick my feet out and bump down.. fucking hurt when I whacked my crotch on the seat :(
< pprkut> of course. I was just trying to be nice to people like thrice` ;)
* pprkut ducks
* jkwood turkeys
< rob0> Such fowl humor!
< jkwood> rob0: Have I ever told you about my battle with chirpes?
< jkwood> It's a canarial disease, and there's no tweetment.
< jkwood> My ducktor told me I had it, but I think he might be a quack.
< jkwood> He got his tailfeathers all ruffled when I told him to send me his bill.
< rob0> You'll just have to wing it, I guess.
< jkwood> Apparently, I contracted it by committing a cardinal sin.
< jkwood> I should still be able to play baseball though, as it hasn't affected my pidgeon.
< rob0> Robin the cradle? Nothing to crow about.
< jkwood> I'm feeling a little chicken about telling my gullfriend, though.
< jkwood> You're obviously getting bird with this conversation, so Owl drop it like it's hawk.
< rob0> I flew the coop.
<Azeotrope> i know how ubuntu works
<Zordrak> dude.. i nearly snorted my coffee
<+Camarade_Tux> fire|bird: can you bomb me again?
<+fire|bird> !bomb Camarade_Tux
* AgentAnderson stuffs the bomb into Camarade_Tux's Shoe. The display reads [27] seconds.
<@AgentAnderson> Defuse the bomb by using '!fuse element' Try and choose the correct element. There are four elements. They are Radon, Lithium, Promethium and Germanium.
<+lf4> lol
<+Camarade_Tux> !bomb fire|bird
* AgentAnderson points at the bulge in the back of Camarade_Tux's Boxers.
<+Camarade_Tux> !fuse Radon
<+Camarade_Tux> !bomb fire|bird
-!- Camarade_Tux was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by AgentAnderson [snip...*BOOM!*. (185 green bottles hanging on the wall)]
* AgentAnderson stuffs the bomb into Camarade_Tux's Bra. The display reads [24] seconds.
<@AgentAnderson> Defuse the bomb by using '!fuse element' Try and choose the correct element. There are seven elements. They are Helium, Hydrogen, Titanium, Lithium, Radon, Germanium and Promethium.
-!- Camarade_Tux [~adrien@lal69-3-82-241-208-159.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##slackware-offtopic
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+v Camarade_Tux] by AgentAnderson
<+lf4> Hahaha this should be good
<+Camarade_Tux> how did it react?
<+fire|bird> you'll see
<+Camarade_Tux> ^^
-!- Camarade_Tux was kicked from ##slackware-offtopic by AgentAnderson [*BOOM!*. (186 people had limbs blown off in the most excruciatingly painfull way)]
<+lf4> hahahaha
-!- Camarade_Tux [~adrien@lal69-3-82-241-208-159.fbx.proxad.net] has joined ##slackware-offtopic
-!- mode/##slackware-offtopic [+v Camarade_Tux] by AgentAnderson
<+fire|bird> hahahahahaha
-!- Blue_slacker [~5b62419c@gateway/web/freenode/x-itfzgvecyuwdkpqo] has joined ##slackware
< Blue_slacker> my wireless network is not work in dell laptop with slackware can any body to help me to setup it
< sahk0> you could always install wicd from extra/
< Blue_slacker> sahk0: yes
-!- Blue-Slacker [~5b62419c@gateway/web/freenode/x-uroycpcxtppmhlow] has joined ##slackware
-!- Blue_slacker [~5b62419c@gateway/web/freenode/x-itfzgvecyuwdkpqo] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
< Blue-Slacker> my wireless not work in slackware , are there any body to help me to repair it
< brainvision> have you got a network manager installed?
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: ?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: yes , ican access other device as eyh0 but i can not use wireless
< brainvision> what network mamanger do you use?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: wicd
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: but it's the first time you are using it?
< brainvision> or it used to work until now or until yesterday..
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: yes $ first use slackware
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: yes & first use slackware
< brainvision> so I think you wireless is not recognized by slackware..
< brainvision> what kind of kernel are you using?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision:
< brainvision> are you with the current?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: yes
< brainvision> uname -r what it says to you?
< brainvision> maybe you are using the generic kernel
< brainvision> I think you should try the huge one..
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker:
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: ??
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: I need to wireless but i can not accsees it & love slackware very & and i dont have dsl internet - what do now
< brainvision> uname -r
< brainvision> tell me the output please
< brainvision> :)
< brainvision> and try to follow me..
* TheGroove sits back to enjoy the show
< brainvision> I'm trying to help you.. :)
< sahk0> brainvision: what would switching to huge change?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision:
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: oh .tnx
< brainvision> sahk0: maybe the generic has got no support for his chipset..
< brainvision> sahk0: no?
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: but do you know if you are using the generic or the huge kernel?
< brainvision> sahk0: am I wrong?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: how i can found it
< brainvision> :)
< brainvision> you don't know what kernel are you using?
< brainvision> ok
< TheGroove> Geez. 1) find out what chipset you have 2) find out if your current kernel supports it 3) if it does, check if the driver is loaded already. If it doesn't, find an alternative driver or cry because Dell shipped your machine with an incompatible wireless card.
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: but when i want to install slackware i pressed inter to load kernel
< brainvision> I pressed inter?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: it said me to load defualt kernel press inter or f2
< brainvision> ok Blue-Slacker TheGroove has gived you a better solution..
< brainvision> if you know how to do it..
< TheGroove> If it's mini-pci, do lspci -v
< TheGroove> That will list all PCI devices in your machine.
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: as root
< TheGroove> This is taking too long.
-!- Blue-Slacker [~5b62419c@gateway/web/freenode/x-uroycpcxtppmhlow] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
< brainvision> another guy who will lost the slack
< brainvision> :)
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@] has joined ##slackware
< brainvision> ehi Blue-Slacker
< brainvision> :)
< brainvision> so?
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@] has quit [Changing host]
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@unaffiliated/blue-slacker] has joined ##slackware
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision, i do it
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision, and it said me any thing
< brainvision> ???
< brainvision> what did you do?
< brainvision> first of all..
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: lspaci -v
< brainvision> lspci
< brainvision> lspci -v
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: as root!
< Blue-Slacker> ok
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: you must start to use TAB key..
< brainvision> so you will know if the command you are giving is right!
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision, it siad me aabout all of my laptop device
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision, and in the end of list it said me ( subsystem : Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-card
< TheGroove> 40 minutes!!! and we have our first useful piece of information.
< brainvision> TheGroove: :)
< TheGroove> http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: what i need now
< TheGroove> Wait, I have a better solution.
< TheGroove> http://www.ubuntu.com/
< brainvision> wait please Blue-Slacker
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: ok
< brainvision> I'm trying to cook something, here to me it's 2:00 PM
< brainvision> :)
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: and to me 5:30 PM
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@unaffiliated/blue-slacker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@] has joined ##slackware
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@] has left ##slackware []
-!- Blue-Slacker [~blue@] has joined ##slackware
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: can you found any things to help me
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: try doing lsmod now..
< brainvision> 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev
< brainvision> 01) Subsystem: Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: ok
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker:
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: yes
< brainvision> it's the exact string I reported your wireless info on lspci?
< brainvision> 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev
< brainvision> 01) Subsystem: Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: it same of my lspci out
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: lsmod
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: what things you need now
< brainvision> somethin like BCM4312
< brainvision> I think..
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: cfg80211 107059 2 B43. mac 80211
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: ssb 41085 1 b43
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: pcmcia 28461 2 b43 . ssb
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker: stop
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: and not any thing about
< brainvision> a stupid question..
< brainvision> when you open wicd.. what device have you writed down in the preferences?
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: wlan0 & eth0
< brainvision> only 1 is allowed
< brainvision> i mean in the wireless camp
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: wireless interface : wlan0
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: & wired interface : eth0
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker:
< brainvision> go www.pastebin.com
< brainvision> and copy your output for the command dmesg
< brainvision> as root
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: my laptop batry is low and go it down
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: can you let me 30min , i dont have any thing to copy it to pastebin
< brainvision> yes no problem
< brainvision> but I think your wireless should work
< brainvision> I can't see where the problem is..
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: dmesg said me in end - b43-phy error : YOU MUST GO TO HTTP://WIRELESS.kernel.org and download the corrent frimware for this driver version
< brainvision> ah ah
< brainvision> here we go
< brainvision> :)
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: what ?
< brainvision> what?
< brainvision> the solution..!!!
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: ok
< brainvision> even if there's no web on www.wireless.kernel.org
< brainvision> ????
< brainvision> pardon..
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download
< brainvision> http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#device_firmware_installation
< brainvision> Blue-Slacker:
< Blue-Slacker> brainvision: ok tnx , but my laptop is down now becuase it lost charge
< brainvision> ac power?
< sahk0> someone should noobfarm him
< sahk0> it should be difficult to collect stuff from 80mins tho