< Yanzie> I got it working, thank you for your help all of you, :D I shall now more then likely install BackTrack 4 to my HDD. Cheers and much appreciated
< rworkman> Why is this fodder for ##slackware anyway?
< rworkman> BT4 is not based on Slackware at all.
< rworkman> (which is not to imply that it would be fodder for here if it *were* based on Slackware)
< Yanzie> backtrack-linux channel would not allow me to chat
< rworkman> Tough shit.
< Yanzie> So I came here, get over it?
< rworkman> I'll try to get over it.
-!- mode/##slackware [+o rworkman] by ChanServ
-!- Yanzie was kicked from ##slackware by rworkman [Yanzie]
-!- mode/##slackware [-o rworkman] by rworkman
< rworkman> There. I'm over it.