<Reticenti> man, compiling awn-extras from source is a bitch
<dartmouth> Reticenti, i've noticed that...
<dartmouth> Reticenti, you should make a slackbuild
<Reticenti> dartmouth: have you done it?
<Reticenti> there's a lot of dependencies
<Reticenti> mostly gnome deps.
<dartmouth> Reticenti, no i just said 'fuck it' after a while and then started sending love letters to alienBOB
Guest56473> quote nickserv ghost phoenix^ <password removed>
< Guest56473> argh
Guest56473 [n=fire|bir@173-18-63-179.client.mchsi.com] has quit
[Client Quit]
< fire|bird> CRAP
< compgenius999> lmfao
< thumbs> is that your actual password?
< deco> fire|bird: LOL!
< fire|bird> thumbs: Not for long
< deco> fire|bird: just wow wow
< fire|bird> son of a.....
<darlek> anyone tell me why i can type sudo bash and use root commands without a passwd ?
<superGear> make sure you wasn't root when you did sudo :
<darlek> k ill try again
<darlek> ahh yes i was root lol ...whoops sorry
<hrad> and is there anything in the 13.0 release, an editor, I could remove the byte sequence in files which is used to tell if it is little endian or the othe guy
<Zordrak> .. do you understand your own question?
<hrad> yep
* The-Croupier needs a challenge
* Zordrak cuts up The-Croupier's dog with a jigsaw
<Zordrak> there you go
<Zordrak> put it back together again
macavity: compgenius999: what craphics card is that?
compgenius999: its an ancient hercules
macavity: oh
agentc0re: the plot thickens
macavity: no wonder.. turn off composite
macavity: now
compgenius999: WTF OMFG FAIL
MLanden: ancient is right
macavity: it will never become stable
compgenius999: i opened xwmconfig and selected xfce
compgenius999: i restarted
agentc0re: i suggest you turn your PC off, and place it in the garbage.
compgenius999: and i'm booted into kde...
compgenius999: nevur
macavity: lol
ngworekara: har
compgenius999: i spent 5 hours building it!
agentc0re: LMAO!!
compgenius999: out of old computers
compgenius999: i even ripped my old hp pavillion to pieces
agentc0re: 5 hours, 20 years ago man!!
<slackytude> I have a love-hate relationship with new kde
<deco> slackytude: i hate it now
<fire|bird> You hate it but it loves you? :P
<deco> fire|bird: you love anything :P
<slackytude> some stuff is really good, some is bad. sometimes it works great, then it crashed for no reason
<deco> fire|bird: including me! don't deny it
<slackytude> its teasing me
<deco> slackytude: plasmoid thingy crashes on me a lot
<slackytude> fire|bird, I try to love it, then it punches me. I hate it and it seduces me
<fire|bird> slackytude: just from kde 4.2.x to 4.3 there were 2,000 new features, 60,000+ bug fixes, etc. :D
<slackytude> Im in an abusive relationship with my window manager
<deco> slackytude: hahaha
< Dave2> But dammit, my mind is blank after 4 words. I need to write this fucking message.
< abrotman> let's write it for him!
< abrotman> yay madlibs!
< asg> It was a dark and stormy __________ (noun) and the __________ (noun) was itching for a ____________ (adj) ______________ (noun)
< abrotman> Penis, Dave2, manly, lover
< TheJoe> Oook so where's a good place to start setting up proftpd on Debian?
< SpaceHobo> the 90s
Seth: recursive fail ftw.. dan googled jfgi