<init[1]> i think next release of slackware wouldn't have pidgin 2.6.1+n coz of farsight and other python dependecy ? what do you think ?
<sahk0> i dont give a flying fuck :)
<The-Croupier> flying??? never tried that...
<init[1]> sahk0: you don't use pidgin ?
* The-Croupier goes to check his notes....
<init[1]> lol^
<sahk0> The-Croupier: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=flying%20fuck
<The-Croupier> sahk0: i was more happy thinking it was a sex technique i didnt know
<The-Croupier> :p
<siimo> when will slack 10 get pidgin 2.6.x
<mingdao> slack 10?
<mingdao> when you build it?
<siimo> i mean 10.3
<siimo> oh sorry 13.0
08:13 < Fatboy12345236DS> brb
08:13 < Fatboy12345236DS> bak
<Zordrak> Has anyone got a licence server daemon (lmgrd) rc script for slack?
<Zordrak> i could make one.. but if an elegant one exists....
<slackytude> Zordrak: Slackware Genuine Advantage?
<pprkut> WARNING: you are not authorized to run Slackware. Will upgrade to Ubuntu in 4...3...2...1...
<chomwitt> in my /var/mail/chomwitt file i see a lot of emails sent from root!! what are those? are they usefull?
<+Tanuki--> remember the days when people scraped used monitors and vga adaptors just to have irc on them?
<+andyn> no
<@stybla> no
<@stybla> :)
<@tewmten> wtf are you talking about?
<@stybla> :D
<Linux-IRC> lowkyalur: use ubuntu instead of slackware , installing ati x1400 driver is easier there
Zordrak> Does anyone have any experience with/preferences regarding Web-based file-browsers?
<mrselfpwn> Zordrak, which one?
<Zordrak> mrselfpwn: exactly
<mrselfpwn> lol
<macavity> has anyone managed to build nxagent?
<macavity> it looks completely obfuscated
* Emanon (n=Emanon@xxxxxxxx.net) has joined ##slackware
<Emanon> grr my partition setup didnt go too well so now im back on kubuntu and not thrilled
<mancha> i did a while ago, don't recall that many headaches
<Emanon> well iff i do it like a normal person it works fine
<slava_dp> alien had packages for nx iirc
<macavity> booohooo.. no SBo for nxagent :P
<Emanon> tried to install slack 13 on a encrypted lvm over a raid with boot partition on a removable drive and it didnt obey me hehe
<slava_dp> will this suit you? http://connie.slackware.com/~alien/slackbuilds/freenx/ > macavity
<Cann0n> I haven't installed 13. Any great reasons to upgrade from 12.2?
<Emanon> 64 bit
<Emanon> and kde4 by default
<Emanon> new kernel
<Emanon> and dev packages
<mancha> they probably also have rpm's if you don't mind not compiling it yourself
<Emanon> nah but added .tkz files (as opposed to .tgz)
<Emanon> if i remember what i read correctly
<Emanon> or txz or something
<slava_dp> lol
<slava_dp> :D
<Emanon> oh the rpm wasnt about the slack 13 comment was it?
.-─ join(##slackware).. ElvisPresley!n=ElvisPre@<ip removed> 13:35
(Alan_Hicks) Ladies and gentlman, Elvis has entered the building!
(fire|bird) Wow, it's Elvis
(ElvisPresley) good afternoon
(omnipotentduo) i present the KING
(ElvisPresley) anyone can help me?
(Alan_Hicks) ElvisPresley: Go towards the light.
(fire|bird) haha
(Alan_Hicks) ElvisPresley: And kick Michael Jackson's ass towards the
fire if you see him.
((Necos) damn, i'm sure that's gonna be noobfarmed >.>
ElvisPresley) i need to install a modem 3g
(Alan_Hicks) Necos: Not if you don't do it.
(fire|bird) heya Necos
(ElvisPresley) but i don`t know how compile wvstreams