< BP{k}> it makes you sound a bit like a twat if you confuse a tweet for a twit.
< SelfishMan> Why is everyone always so proud to be a java programmer? That's like me running around saying I enjoy kicking puppies.
<FantoX> where i can find sendmail for windows server 2003
<Camarade_Tux> jalonso: but does the root= line looks correct? what is it?
<briareus> jalonso: I'm not sure of slackware's method of mounting or chrooting into the system from the dvd
<Camarade_Tux> briareus: but vim won't run since a lib it depends on is unavailable
<Camarade_Tux> and vi has no V ! ='(
<Camarade_Tux> (but you can installpkg)
<briareus> ah
<jalonso> Camarade_Tux: it looks like this: root@slackware:/#
<briareus> that looks like a prompt
<Camarade_Tux> jalonso: no, in the lilo.conf
<Camarade_Tux> at the end of it
* slackytude|evil facepalms
dchmelik> have you ever used windows 3.1?
< fire|bird> You're gonna tell me now that windows 3.1 had animations and you
could turn then all off?
< antiwire> umm?
< fire|bird> s/then/them/
< spook> urk trying to compile mythtv on slackware64 and its not going well
< fire|bird> I fail to see how windows 3.1 has anything to do with this. :P
< dchmelik> probably because you have not used it
< fire|bird> your point?
< antiwire> I used windows 3.1 and 3.11
< dchmelik> if you have not used something that old you do not really know what
a gui with no animation is
< Zordrak> sure.. and my shit tastes like chocolate
< pi31415> Zordrak: How does it blow?
( Schroede1) I feel Pat sold out again like he did the time he bumped Slack three or four major versions all of a sudden
( Schroede1) so it looks like now we're at Slackware version 130,000 instead of version 13
( alphageek) Schroede1: re 'I feel Pat sold out again'. I mean this with the utmost politeness, but you're cordially to fuck off & die. just sayin'
( Schroede1) ...
( Schroede1) no need to be a jackass
( Schroede1) especially over a joke
( alphageek) I was merely responding to your opinion with one of my own
>>> Mode #slackware +o alphageek by ChanServ
<<< Kick for Schroede1 by alphageek from #slackware [this is me being a jackass. learn the difference]
>>> Mode #slackware +b *!*@*.<hostname removed> by alphageek
(@alphageek) I'll give it a few minutes to get the point across :)
( BP{k}) *snickers*
( rworkman) haha
sheriff ) Anyone have any strong feelings about MoneyBoookers?
gcohen ) why use them when there's paypal
gcohen ) and/or western union
hex ) They killed my master, and stole his amulet!
hex ) Apart from that, they seem fine.
buu ) hex: Did you have to pay a percentage fee on the amulet?
hex ) I broke into their mountain stronghold and stole it back, so no.
buu ) Oh is that how you avoid the transaction fee?
hex ) Yeah, pretty much.
< antiwire> was noobfarm 1671 suggesting that Slackware not having a stock Flash package was a bug?
missyjane > hi can i make a note? if so To view the full experience of this website, please download and install Adobe Flash Player 9.
missyjane > 2nd bug/problem :x