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Added: 2009-10-14

< spook> i've had a few females that couldnt get enough meat.
< spook> [ in bed ]
< Alan_Hicks> spook: Probably because you didn't have enough meat to satisfy them.

Added: 2009-10-13

<spook> i need a girl friend...
<ananke> spook: so quit looking
<Camarade_Tux> who uses slackware and codes in ocaml? xD
<spook> ananke: its been 12 hours since i last had sex.
<ananke> spook: and?
<spook> thats too long!
<Camarade_Tux> you had sex during the beginnning of the afternoon?
<spook> no, at 6am
<Camarade_Tux> on which coast are you living?
<spook> west
<Camarade_Tux> ah, that explains it :)
<Camarade_Tux> (and 6am makes much more sense that 1pm without a girlfriend)


<Camarade_Tux> I need a girlfriend too, I need somebody to cook me my meals :D
<spook> i dont know where to start with whats wrong with what you just said

Added: 2009-10-10

< ninjabox> I can speak german... but like spanish, I have to be kinda put in the position to do it
< ninjabox> when I lived in mexico, I got around very well
< ArmChairWarrior> thats what she said
< ninjabox> but now that i haven't been there for a long time I can't at all
< ninjabox> when I get alot of exposure to german family or friends, it comes out =P
< ArmChairWarrior> somethin comes outta me when i get exposure to german food
< ArmChairWarrior> its usually vomit

Added: 2009-10-10

ninjabox - well.... I've stolen a car from my girlfriend's friend's parents.. while on acid... and naked
ninjabox - oh man
ninjabox - sometimes I shouldn't hit enter

Added: 2009-10-09

< Alan_Hicks> What were you trying to do when this error occured for example?
< adriyel> Alan_Hicks: like? I did init.d/smbd start
< Zordrak> O_O
< Zordrak> adriyel: what OS are you running?
< Alan_Hicks> adriyel: GTFO!
< mancha> should do summit like /etc/rc.d/rc.samb...
< adriyel> Zordrak: Linux sulu 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5 #1 SMP Wed Sep 24 19:33:52 EDT 2008 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
< mancha> init.d sounds like redcrap or summit
< adriyel> lmao!
< Scuzz> lol
* deco gets his beating stick out
< adriyel> Zordrak: fuck off troll, I'm here because I don't like Redhat.
< Zordrak> no.. stop laughing and get walking
< Alan_Hicks> adriyel: You obviously are *not* using Slackware. Go ask somebody else. We have no idea how other distros may have fucked shit up.
< adriyel> Alan_Hicks: that's a nice excuse, but I'll leave anyway.
< adriyel> I came here because normally the community here is excellent. Obviously something has changed that.
< Alan_Hicks> adriyel: It's the plain and simple truth. You'll get a better answer somewheres else.
< rogersman> dumb-ass questions?
< Zordrak> just.. just.. no.p
< Alan_Hicks> No, the community is excellent still, the problem just isn't ours.
< adriyel> Alan_Hicks: you and your ilk are assholes. Making excuses doesn't change that.
< Zordrak> i have no words..
< deco> adriyel: make me some lunch and GTFO
* Zordrak takes a VDU break
-!- adriyel [] has left ##slackware []
deco> lol

Added: 2009-10-08

< Scuzz> fire|bird, you try vbatts 4.3.2 yet ?
< Scuzz> nice and stable still i take it ?
< mancha> what does vbatts do?
< deco> build kde packages
< deco> :)
< Scuzz> lol
< Scuzz> yeah
< mancha> ah heh. thought that was an app: vbatts version 4.3.2
< deco> ....

Added: 2009-10-08

<mrselfpwn> I don't understand why a login manager even has a daemon mode.
<spook> xdmcp or whatever its called
<spook> for seperating the server and client components of x
<mrselfpwn> spook, kind of like pty?
<mrselfpwn> and tty
<spook> mrselfpwn: uh... no.
<spook> for connecting to the x client and logging in over the network
<mrselfpwn> oh i understand
<spook> yeah.
<spook> x is counter intuitive, the part with the graphical interface is the server.
* metrofox (n=metrofox@ зашел на канал ##slackware
<metrofox> hi there!
<spook> metrofox: hey!
<mrselfpwn> metrofox: hello
<metrofox> yo spook & mrselfpwn
<metrofox> what's going on guys? =)
<mrselfpwn> we were talking about you behind your back.
<metrofox> :O that's an interesting topic...
<mrselfpwn> ;D
<metrofox> :P
<mrselfpwn> actually i was just telling spook how x client works to log in over the network.
<spook> loooooool.
<mrselfpwn> XD
<mrselfpwn> that conversation was counter intuitive spook. ;)

Added: 2009-10-08

<The-Croupier> bli: quite bored with my wife, frustrated with my gf, will i findhappiness in slack ;)

Added: 2009-10-07

< Dravekx_> e trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. [sudo] password for dravekx: dravekx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. dravekx@dravekx-debian:~$
< Dravekx_> BAHAHAHAHA
< Dravekx_> WTF is all that
< Dravekx_> my own server reported me.
< Dravekx_> lol
< enmerkar> Dravekx_: man sudo, man sudoers
< Dravekx_> lol
< Dravekx_> ok Im just lost
< Dravekx_> I think I need to read more before i venture into linux.
< Dravekx_> im going back to windows.
< Dravekx_> lol

Added: 2009-10-07

< jeev>
< jeev>
< thrice`> wow,
* jeev holds out his beating stick
< jeev> wow what ?
< thrice`> you never cease to amaze me jeev
< straterra> (with stupidity)
< jeev> i'm honored
< jeev> oh look, it's stratella, the guy who comes once a month with stupid comments
< straterra> jeev: I've been here since before the best part of you ran down the crack of your mom's ass and left a brown stain on the mattress
< jeev> haaaaaaaaaa haha
< jeev> you're funny.
< straterra> You aren't. Get the hint and go away already.
< jeev> sarcasm works both ways
< deco> leave jeev alone! :(
< straterra> I wasn't being I don't know what 'both ways' you mean.
< jeev> deco, dont worry about him, in a few minutes he'll have to step away to his usual round of picking up his coworkers trash bags and putting new ons
< jeev> ones
< jeev> it's like this every day
< straterra> Projecting a bit, aren't you?
< jeev> welcome to my fag list
< straterra> I wouldn't say that too loud.

There are 2270 quotes.