<phrags> hey guys
<Jessia> syug yeh
<phrags> everything ok ?
<Jessia> ? ko gnihtyreve
<BP{k}> phrags: kick ban Jessia please :) and thanks :)
<Jessia> ): sknaht dna ): esaelp aisseJ nab kcik :sgarhp
<Zordrak> phrags: yeh. great(!)
<Jessia> )!(taerg .hey :sgarhp
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrag
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrags
* Jessia left (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
<Zordrak> lol
<surrounder> yay
<phrags> someone beat me to it =P
<Zordrak> too little too late buddy :)
<Necos> woohoo!
<Necos> oper-killed
<phrags> well i did *just* get into work, give me a break =P
in 3 minutes...
* Guest85315 (~Star@ joined ##slackware
<phrags> removepkg, upgradepkg
<Guest85315> gkpedargpu ,gkpevomer
<Necos> holy hell
<Guest85315> lleh yloh
<Necos> it's back >.>
<Guest85315> >.> kcab s'ti
* ChanServ gave operator status to phrags
* phrags banned *!*@
* slackboy kicked Guest85315 from ##slackware (Banned)
<phrags> i'll be here all day =P
<surrounder> phrags saves the day!
<Zordrak> if anyone reported Jessia to an oper please report the hostmask to the same oper
<surrounder> phrags: do you wear a cape ? that would be awesome