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Added: 2010-03-16

< Shuren> today was released an upgrade for emacs... but in the ftp tree i found only the x86_64 release... is that a mistake?
< Shuren> err... my mistake or patrick one?
< thrice`> it's probably still uploading. such bloat takes awhile, you know
< thrice`> or, still compiling
< BP{k}> thrice`: nah, that's why there was three days between emacs update and the last -current update. ;)
< BP{k}> Shuren: it's a subtle signal one shouldn't be using emacs ;)
< jkwood> The problem is, emacs fights back against being compiled. It's gotten so big even the source code is self-aware.
< mancha> emacs compiles itself
< thrice`> emacs has a build-time dep on emacs?
< NaCl> emacs bootstraps itself?
< mancha> emacs killed chuck norris
< Skywise> its not only recursive, its rentrant and polymorphic
< jkwood> NaCl: Absolutely. It's assumed that emacs is installed, given that it's too heavy for most package management tools to remove.
< Skywise> emacs isn't upgraded, it mutates
< mancha> emacs doesn't change its own code, it just alters the hardware it runs on
< Skywise> you don't learn how to use emacs, it trains you to obey
< pprkut> jkwood: especially on debian based systems, where the number of emacs packages is close to infinity
< Cann0n> when did emacs reach Chuck Norris status?
< Skywise> chuck norris stands for good, emacs acts on its own behalf
< jkwood> emacs is biding its time util the human population is able to sustain its hunger for human flesh.
< mancha> even if you turn your machine off, emacs is still running
< NaCl> I heard that someone got a machine to boot into emacs once
< mancha> if you unplug your cat5, rip out all your wireless nics, irc-over-emacs still works
< jkwood> In the meantime, it eats lost packets and socks. And quantum holes through space.
< raendeer> at least emacs provides its own psychological support
< raendeer> in case it runs you down, just talk to its therapist