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Added: 2010-03-31

<rizitis> I cant edit sudoers file, visudo open the file but I cat write, I think there is a problem with vi and vim at my system. Is there any other safe way to edit sudoers file exept visudo ?
<Zordrak> uh vi /etc/sudoers
<alisonken1noc> visudo has some extra checks to make sure you don't blatantly have an error
<Zordrak> rizitis: you need root to write it
<rizitis> I am root
<alisonken1noc> rizitis, and are you trying to edit it as root or user
<alisonken1noc> ok
<Zordrak> then just open it with any editor
<rizitis> as root
<rizitis> ok I ll try thanks
<rizitis> ok nano did the job so now I have to find what is the problem with vi and vim.
<alienBOB> I use visudo all the time, never any problems
<rizitis> alienBOB, probably I made something wrong...
<rizitis> when I command visudo I cant edit the file only up, down, left and right is working. But even if I stop the program vi still working and only if I kill it it stops..
<alisonken1noc> rizitis, did you put it in edit mode?
<alisonken1noc> when you start vi/visudo - it's in command mode, not edit mode
<rizitis> ops
<rizitis> alisonken1home, how I put it in edit mode, please