< straterra> atleast im not at a supercool kde convention!
< fred87> straterra: agreed.
< fred87> then it would no longer be supercool.
< straterra> sure it would...i would bring some chloroform..
< straterra> and we could have our way with the hot devs
< fred87> you're aware that we're > 90% male, right?
< straterra> and install gnome on their laptops...muahaha..when they wake up....wwuah
< straterra> fred...duh!
< straterra> fred...i was counting on there being alot of big...strong...kde man devs
< fred87> :|
< fred87> there's two gay ones.
< straterra> thats no fun
< straterra> gotta get the straight ones..
< fred87> what, you only want the non-consial types, or is it just a matter of consensual sex being an uncomfortable new thing for you?
< straterra> well..
< straterra> the nonconsentual...is kinda fun
< straterra> you put them in bed with a mexican..
< straterra> and alot of beer bottles
< straterra> and put gnome on their laptops
< straterra> setup a webcam....and wait
< straterra> 'how fucked up did i get?!'
06:03 -!- fede [n=fede@] has joined #hal
06:05 -!- fede changed the topic of #hal to: Hardware Abstraction Layer Channel
06:05 < fede> anyone there who might answer a few questions about HAL?
06:17 < rworkman> fede: WTF are you doing changing the topic?
06:20 < fede> did you read the previous topic?
06:20 < rworkman> What was it?
06:21 < fede> Topic for #hal is: <davidz> HAL is a bad name | <davidz> BunchOfHacksToHideLinuxKernelStuffKit might be a better name
06:21 < fede> * Topic for #hal set by davidz at Fri Feb 23 01:38:28 2007
06:21 < rworkman> Yeah, DavidZ is one of the HAL devs.
06:21 < fede> so the one I placed sound better
06:21 < rworkman> Now, I ask again, what the fsck do you think you're doing?
< Peikko> I think samba will eventually cause me to lose my grip on reality.
< Shingoshi> I didn't understand you. Now I do.
< rworkman> For $DEITY's sake, Slackware 12.0 released and we're talking about children and alcohol.
< ananke> gat-man : this isn't a channel dedicated to ice cream flavors. you are expected to know some basics before talking about how our ice cream truck works
< TheNetuser> You can't hack me!
< TheNetuser> I have an OpenBSD firewall!
< TheNetuser> I installed it myself by following the directions.
< Straterra> you cant hack me!
< Straterra> i have one ball!
< Dominian> Straterra: wanna help me in an experiment?
< Straterra> Um...does it involve a gerbil..and my ass?
< Straterra> yay, time to get nude and all wet
< Dominian> wow.. an Exchange Server that talks TLS
< Dominian> impressive
< Straterra> I speak 56k