06:03 -!- fede [n=fede@] has joined #hal
06:05 -!- fede changed the topic of #hal to: Hardware Abstraction Layer Channel
06:05 < fede> anyone there who might answer a few questions about HAL?
06:17 < rworkman> fede: WTF are you doing changing the topic?
06:20 < fede> did you read the previous topic?
06:20 < rworkman> What was it?
06:21 < fede> Topic for #hal is: <davidz> HAL is a bad name | <davidz> BunchOfHacksToHideLinuxKernelStuffKit might be a better name
06:21 < fede> * Topic for #hal set by davidz at Fri Feb 23 01:38:28 2007
06:21 < rworkman> Yeah, DavidZ is one of the HAL devs.
06:21 < fede> so the one I placed sound better
06:21 < rworkman> Now, I ask again, what the fsck do you think you're doing?