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Added: 2007-06-21

< BP{k}> skillz needed for IRIX ... level6 necromancer ;)

Added: 2007-06-20

My Boss: OK. If only GOD knew VB

Added: 2007-06-20

( kexman) (gparted:19975): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: again
( kexman) this is from sudo gparted
( old_dude67) try making the terminal larger..

Added: 2007-06-20

< Dagmar> ...but the overwhelming issue is that Totem is usually a frontend for starting bug-buddy to report crash bugs

Added: 2007-06-18

* fred87 loves vista :|

Added: 2007-06-18

< oneforall> viagra > /dev/null

Added: 2007-06-17

< Bassist> Anybody try out SW 12 RC1?
< khelban> you have 11 i presume
< Bassist> khelban: I had 11
< Bassist> Until I had this freak accident I had which involved my hard drive and lightning
< Bassist> Installed Ubuntu out of frustration
< rworkman> Did the lightning hit *you* or the computer?

Added: 2007-06-16

< mwalling_> heret|c: he's straterra
< heret|c> thats like african for metrosexual right ?

Added: 2007-06-16

< straterra> Am I the only one to ever masturbate to Slashdot?

Added: 2007-06-15

< Half-Left> Human's are as dirty as animals
< Half-Left> In fact even more so
< nullboy> right but i don't drag my cornhole across the carpet

There are 2270 quotes.