* Straterra orders plane tickets and a pair of bolt cutters
< fred87> ...
* fred87 wonders why?
< fred87> I don't like the sound of that combination :S
< fred87> It's like buying a pack of KY-Jelly and a single wire coathanger.
< andarius> bug tracking, why is it i hear of apps with really cool names but have no use what so ever for them ..
< mwalling_> why? you don't make bugs?
< andarius> nope
< andarius> i am bug free :)
< Straterra> I have herpes
< andarius> tmi man
< Straterra> lol
* fred fails to parse the parse exception given by the parser trying to
parse his parser
< Silver> Just insert death threats as comments into your code.
< nullboy> start by sticking it in
< Skumby> brb, bluescreening my PC on demand
< Skumby> Also, fuck you, Creative
< actualmind> that law thing is really complicated
< BP{k}> fuck you all :P
< kethry> no lovey that's later
< BP{k}> w00t
< kethry> fred87: nah i kinda like the fetishes-collection
< Dominian> StevenR: Really have to pee found!