< straterra> Mmm...I love being fingered...
< CheeseWorx> alright
< straterra> HARDER!
< Soul_keeper> it's still running slack 10
< fred87> with security updates?
< Soul_keeper> i don't need security updates
< Soul_keeper> linux was plenty secure 10yrs ago
< whythehell> POSTgresql, because it will send you the results by first
class royal mail?
< Faux> Or, if you use the join keyword /anywhere/, citylink.
From #mailscanner on freenode:
< suprsonic> salsa, I can't seem to get the port to install, did you have issues installing the perl module for clamav?
< salsa> suprsonic: wish i knew
< Dominian> salsa is a bot
< suprsonic> rofl
< suprsonic> classic
< mwalling_> hehe, you mean SBo actually has QA?
<+BP{k}> mwalling_: yeah thats why we reject all of yours ;P
< WhoNeedszzz> what is emacs for?
<+elohim> from what I've heard other people yap about, /usr is for OS installed software. but I have not actually looked over FHS because I don't really believe it's relevant.
<+elohim> you can put shit wherever you want, as long as your system is set up properly it will work. I don't need some ruler weilding nun sitting around waiting to smack my nuckles because I put a game in /games instead of /usr/games
< gbonvehim> sometimes the programmer assumes you know stuff like permissions
< kexman> do you guys know any good scp gui client ?
< kexman> mc doesnt handle it well when i want to give it some port that is not 22 :(
< rworkman> xterm(1)
< kexman> hmm
< kexman> how would i use that ?
< Schroeder> ok, what's the deal with putting Apache 2 in Slack 12?
< Schroeder> whose bright idea was that?
< Schroeder> this may be enough to keep me from upgrading
< BP{k}> Schroeder: uhm I think it was Patrick Volkerdings idea
< Schroeder> what an idiot
[freenode] -!- Schroeder [i=1000@unaffiliated/unclejimbob]
[freenode] -!- ircname : Schroeder the Piano Guy