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Added: 2007-07-07

< straterra> atleast im not at a supercool kde convention!
< fred87> straterra: agreed.
< fred87> then it would no longer be supercool.
< straterra> sure it would...i would bring some chloroform..
< straterra> and we could have our way with the hot devs
< fred87> you're aware that we're > 90% male, right?
< straterra> and install gnome on their laptops...muahaha..when they wake up....wwuah
< straterra> fred...duh!
< straterra> fred...i was counting on there being alot of big...strong...kde man devs
< fred87> :|
< fred87> there's two gay ones.
< straterra> thats no fun
< straterra> gotta get the straight ones..
< fred87> what, you only want the non-consial types, or is it just a matter of consensual sex being an uncomfortable new thing for you?
< straterra> well..
< straterra> the kinda fun
< straterra> you put them in bed with a mexican..
< straterra> and alot of beer bottles
< straterra> and put gnome on their laptops
< straterra> setup a webcam....and wait
< straterra> 'how fucked up did i get?!'