<Tidalwave> well since it's the third sunday of the month ...shower time bbiaf ():
<jeev> cool
* jeev has the openssh exploit
<jeev> antiwire is next
<antiwire> own me
<antiwire> i'd love that
<jeev> rm -rf ~antiwire/.gaypr0n
<antiwire> prove me wrong right now
<jeev> done, do ls -la ~antiwire/.gaypr0n
<jeev> i guarantee it's gone.
<Camarade_Tux> well, here it's still there
<Camarade_Tux> oops :o
<jeev> lol
fredoslack: I rename my usual pseudo
fredoslack is now known as Kernel-Panik
Kernel-Panik: :(
Kernel-Panik is now known as fredoslack
Urchlay: Col. Panic, who takes his orders from Gen. Protection Fault?
fire|bird: lol
alienBOB: General Failure is n command of Major Asshole
fire|bird: Urchlay: heh, the patented nick generator: cleverest|postmasters
Urchlay: nice
antiwire: lol
alienBOB: But Private Parts gets to do all the hard work
Urchlay: when he screws up, Corporal Punishment has to correct him?
alienBOB: Indeed ;-)
<tbagg> mother shitter
<tbagg> son of an
<tbagg> ass
<tbagg> I lost my slackware DVD ><
<Camarade_Tux> win7 x64 beta was really stable, this rc doesn't seem great...
<agentc0re> Camarade_Tux: So they fixed it then.
< eviljames> I once saw a hurd of stampeding gnus, they were rushing
towards me with a speed unmatched by cheetahs, and a fury
rivalled only by stampeding elephants.
< eviljames> As they came towards me, I feared I would be crushed - until
suddenly they passed right through me! It turns out, it was
vapour all along.
< antiwire> I just tried to move a text file to the kde trash and kde crashed
<<< antiwire!n=antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire [Remote closed the connection]
< dive> twice
< dive> :D
< gar0t0> drinking beer in my work is normal for me :D
< Urchlay> Camarade_Tux: hey, can you do me a favor?
< gar0t0> after 6pm of corse
>>> antiwire!n=antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire
< antiwire> and it just did it again too
* Zordrak nearly just fell asleep while standing at a urinal.
<antiwire> I'm currently currentizing my current current tree
<PsyberS`> the 2nd highest 'top poster' for our mailing list is a spammer
<PsyberS`> what a useful list...