* CoJaBo-Aztec has 1.6TB of stuff on RAID right now o_O
<Parens> stuff = porn?
<ron> lolcats images
<Parens> there isnt 1.6tb of lolcats on the internet
<CoJaBo-Aztec> No, but it has many dick images :P
<CoJaBo-Aztec> !!!
<CodeNinja> hah
<CodeNinja> hahahah
<ron> maybe it's lolcats porn ?
<divad1> xD
<Parens> hahahhaha
<MTughan> QWERTY fail.
<ron> :P
< yesyes> well, i'm going to fall asleep and dream about xorg dying and
natalie portman becoming a linux user and creating its
replacement. goodnight.
< yesyes> or the barmaid i saw in the pub earlier. oh, #slackware, if i
could only make you understand. beautiful, she was.
* drijen bows before BP{k}
<rob0> Hear ye, hear ye! Announcing His Royal Highness, King BP{k} the First!
<rob0> /trumpet fanfare
<rob0> Hear ye, hear ye! Announcing Her Royal Highness, Queen kethry of the buhkit!
<straterra> You all are nerds
<BillyCrook_> It you take any action that would imply you were unaware you were executing with root privelages (like running sudo as root) it should print an ascii art representation of goatse or lemonparty or something, and a large, angry wake-the-fuck-up banner
Neo_The_User: how does the compiler know to make the code 64 bit without you telling it cuz now i think im gunna use a different 64-bit distro since slack isn't 64 bit enough.
Neo_The_User: what does bootstrap mean?
<drijen> make love, not war boys and girls
<BP{k}> make: *** No rule to make target `love'. Stop.
<BP{k}> dammit. :)
<thrice`> make -j2 love :>
<man_in_shack> is fullscreen mode meant to change screen resolution?
<Neostatic> Anyone who can help me out im a beginner of red hat linux 9 shrike and i could need some help using it can someone tell me where i can find a guide or anything that might help me with my programming and so on?
<dazman_> Neostatic, Red Hat 9 Shrike is very very very old.
<Neostatic> Hehe i have not used linux before
<Neostatic> Where do i start?
<InspectorCluseau> Neostatic, have you got 'shrike' running now?
<Neostatic> InspectorCluseau: No i havent, im downloading it now and i think i want to use it i heard it was the best
<Neostatic> InspectorCluseau: Thanks. But i really need help with this linux, i heard it is fun to use but i dont know what i have to begin with and if you say Fedora is good for me maybe i should go there and install it
* stig (n=stig@xxxxxxxxxx.com) has joined ##slackware
<stig> s
<dive> t
<straterra> f
<Dominian> u
<stig> d
<straterra> stig FAIL
<twolf> seems weird that 9x13 and 9x17 would both be bigger than 9x15
<twolf> I mean smaller
<slackytude> thats what she said!
<twolf> but I know ther are many options for fonts, that one just worked for me years ago and I stuck with it
<twolf> hehe
<fire|bird> [in bed]
<twolf> dangit!
<alisonken1noc> [on the couch]
<twolf> [in a tree]
<alisonken1noc> [on a motorcycle]
<fire|bird> [in the dining room with the candle stick]
<slackytude> O_O
<alisonken1noc> doh!
<fire|bird> s/candle stick/unlit candle stick/ ;)
<slackytude> O_o