<Neostatic> Anyone who can help me out im a beginner of red hat linux 9 shrike and i could need some help using it can someone tell me where i can find a guide or anything that might help me with my programming and so on?
<dazman_> Neostatic, Red Hat 9 Shrike is very very very old.
<Neostatic> Hehe i have not used linux before
<Neostatic> Where do i start?
<InspectorCluseau> Neostatic, have you got 'shrike' running now?
<Neostatic> InspectorCluseau: No i havent, im downloading it now and i think i want to use it i heard it was the best
<Neostatic> InspectorCluseau: Thanks. But i really need help with this linux, i heard it is fun to use but i dont know what i have to begin with and if you say Fedora is good for me maybe i should go there and install it