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Added: 2009-07-16

<Zordrak> omg.. ive missed a crapload of changes to -current cos i was using's rss feeds and they -stalled
<Alan_Hicks> Zordrak: So you were running SLackware-stalled?

Added: 2009-07-16

<stew> computer: debian does have a driver for your wireless, it doesn't have the non-free firmware, though
<computer> how much is it?

Added: 2009-07-15

jeev: it's been so long i've had sex i've resorted to holding my pee so it could feel good

Added: 2009-07-09

< antiwire> I'm tailoring my resume to a specific job opportunity that
is a penetration testing company
< Alan_Hick> Thank God straterra ain't here right now...
< XGizzmo> nice

Added: 2009-07-07

< macavity> he may actually, with years, hard knocks and an understanding community, end up with being a not-entirely-an-idiot kinda guy
< fire|bird> macavity: just imagine if the ubuntards had gotten ahold of him
< macavity> fire|bird: oh, i think he would have blended in very well in that crowd
< fire|bird> macavity: probably
< macavity> fire|bird: but for some reason he chose us.. and that might just be the digital goddess who is trying to remind us that it is only fun to be a genius if there is an idiot to measure against ;-P
< BP{k}> macavity: haha, nice choice of wording.
* macavity bows to the audience

Added: 2009-07-07

Zordrak provides a comfortable pile of hay under a bridge for C_S to live in
C_S > provide it to yourself not me
C_S > to* me
chopp revs the evo as he cruises under the bridge and throws a molotov coctail at the pile of whatever it is on the hay
Zordrak > dude.. troll bridges are road over water... i hope that evo has water wings :)
chopp > I'm not trading my hog in on a jetski :P fsck the troll

Added: 2009-07-03

<alienBOB> There is no ISO image for -current
<alienBOB> That stuff is unofficial and not created by Slackwate team

Added: 2009-07-03

<Aldaron> I love the sound of harddisk in the morning.. sounds like victory
<blacksheep> i cant sleep without the sweet huum of my computer running next to my pillow :>
<Aldaron> :o
<tewmten> i used to be the same
<tewmten> these days i have tinnitus to keep me company
<Aldaron> :D
<tewmten> :-(

Added: 2009-07-03

<Urchlay> okIjustremovedmyspacebar,damnit'sfilthyunderthere

Added: 2009-07-02

< fred> if giving advice on how to give advice to people you've asked for advice is how you try get advice, I advice you change your tact.

There are 2270 quotes.