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Added: 2009-07-24

<twolf> seems weird that 9x13 and 9x17 would both be bigger than 9x15
<twolf> I mean smaller
<slackytude> thats what she said!
<twolf> but I know ther are many options for fonts, that one just worked for me years ago and I stuck with it
<twolf> hehe
<fire|bird> [in bed]
<twolf> dangit!
<alisonken1noc> [on the couch]
<twolf> [in a tree]
<alisonken1noc> [on a motorcycle]
<fire|bird> [in the dining room with the candle stick]
<slackytude> O_O
<alisonken1noc> doh!
<fire|bird> s/candle stick/unlit candle stick/ ;)
<slackytude> O_o