< CaptObviousman> it is official steak&bj day, I'd forgotten
* | andarius heads over to BP{k}'s place
<Unit193> Girl? What's that?
<danopia> it's a type of program that segfaults if you make a single mistake while using it
(+ Olfway) ## makes me want to snort massive amounts of coke
-!- fortpark [~fortpark@it-hurts-when-i-poop.dalsk.com] has joined ##slackware
<+phobos_anomaly> awww damnit... my cat opened the fridge and got into my chinese
<+BP{k}> in catholic church .. religion fucks you.
incognitus : hi all, i ahve deleted the group floppy, but now i want to have that group in case i need to use a floppy image
<+antiwire> I don't always browse goat pr0n, but when I do, I use port 53
<@sero> @eightball Is CaptObviousman an old fart?
<@AgentAnderson> sero: Obviously.
<@alienBOB> I dislike people in other channels who tell someone to go asl in ##slackware if their own distro folk refuse or are unable to help
<@alienBOB> We are not your fucking helpdesk