<+kgs> I just pictured all these naked men with large erections.. the men standing in embarresed silence and confusion and terror as their cocks bark out at each other.
<+vreg> anyone up for a round of texas hold'em?
<+Olfway> right now I'm playing russian roulette with lilo
<Olfway> random thought: you think Thor ever accidentally shot lightning from his cock?
<Olfway> like trying to take a piss and then all of a sudden
<Olfway> he gets a little too close to the metal fencepost
<Olfway> *BZZT*
<Urchlay> those norse gods were kinky
<albacker> what's the default emacs font?
<legumbre> RMS Sans Mono
«+ Dominian» How many SEO experts does it take to change a light bulb,
lightbulb, light, bulb, lamp, lighting, light switch,
lightswitch, energy?
<darkstarbyte> I was told there was a way to run Ubuntu natively in windows, so why not Linux(android) in Linux?
<+vreg> i'm 1/16th cthulu on my mother's side
< RJ> i bet i know more about linux than you
< Olfway> orlynalo? What is this then? :(){ :|:& };:
< RJ> iu know what it is
< Olfway> What is it then?
-!- RJ [~RJ@comcast.net] has quit [connection reset by peer]
<+Olfway> oh, he apparently has never heard of Slackware.
<+s0ulslack> don't wanna now :p
<+Olfway> and denies it's exsistance
<+s0ulslack> lol he's using ubuntu, he doesn't even count
dive │ notklaatu, I went so deep I fell out the bottom ;)