< four_20> where's Olfway?
< Sammies843> idk.
< four_20> he aint answerin the fone, he may be taking a shit
(13 minutes later)
< Olfway> sorry, i was taking a shit, lmfao
* Olfway is almost done with the SlackBuild
<+sero> Olfway's making a slackbuild....Hell HAS to have frozen over.....
<+sero> !weather Hell, MI
<@SirBotsAlot> As of 2012-01-22 02:34:00 +0000, Hell, MI (Hell, MI) has a temperature of -11C/12F with Humidity: 84%. Wind: N at 0 mph (0.0 km/h). Oh, and it's Clear.
<+sero> yup, look at that.
«+aceofspades1» well it gets this cold about once a year
«+ dive» yeah it's called 'winter'
<+Olfway> @figlet 8=====D
<@SirFrostAlot> ---.. ? ? ? ? ? -..
<+Olfway> wtf...
<+sero> see, even the bot knows your dick ain't that big....
<+aceofspades19> okay this chick today called me and said her screen wasn't working, so I was like try press the on button, it worked again
<+aceofspades19> I was like ..
* theborger is going to make a pkgmgr for slackware called Olfway, so i can sey Olfway fetch :D
< Urchlay> heh. Even more hilarious: on slackware, /bin/kill comes from util-linux. Whose documentation says its kill is deprecated in favor of the kill from procps. Slack has the procps package, but there's no kill command in it.
< Urchlay> you learn something new (and usually useless) every day.
< Skaperen> Urchlay: maybe it's because util-linux's /bin/kill leaves zombies?
< Skaperen> not completely dead
< Urchlay> where's my shotgun? I can take care of your zombie problem :)
<+sero> WTFuckFacts: The loudest snore was recorded at 93 db - Louder than a car engine.
<+theborger> must of been my wife
< cliched> just fuck off if you dont have anything good to input
< bikcmp> cliched: watch the language
< cliched> your not an admin
< bikcmp> cliched: actually, i am
-!- mode/#terraria [+o bikcmp] by ChanServ
< bikcmp> -!- (313) bikcmp :Server Administrator
< bikcmp> :-)
+adrien | hitest: also, you've got a very wise daughter ;-)
+hitest | yep
+hitest | she takes after her mother
+hitest | :)
+adrien | huh?
+adrien | her mother married you, she can't be wise
+adrien | :p
+hitest | haha
+hitest | ++
+hitest | good one