<d4wnr4z0r> then again, Jobs did want the interface to be so pretty the user wanted to lick it.
<KaMii> exitlight: whats going to happen? will the aliens abduct me and stick things up my back side?
+Soul_keeper | I remember losing it as a kid and going around taking everyone's valve stem covers off their tires
+Soul_keeper I got caught with like 100+ of them
+theborger damn Soul_keeper you were one bad ass mother i see :D
+nyteowl │ when guessing the wife's weight take the first number you thought of, divide it in half then deduct another 10%. That will ensure your survival
<+MajObviousman> death is kinda fatal
« sharvey» is the slackware site down?
« jg71» hardware failure cos the FBI agents dropped the server!
jg71 looks at crocket
« petar^» how is crocket involved in the fbi and stuff
« Junius» he's a speshul agent
<+Olfway> @8ball does aceofspades19 suck dick for coke?
< subnetNinja> Olfway, my thoughts are maybe
<+Olfway> lmfao
<+aceofspades19> sucking dick would probably be better than my current job come
to think of it
+Olfway │ I wonder how a dog would react to having pop rocks in it's mouth...
@firebird │ Olfway, well, how much do you value your limbs that it could potentially bite off? :)
+Olfway │ i think it would be too concerned with what the fuck i just poped in it's mouth
+Olfway │ wait...
+Olfway │ awh fuck
* │ Olfway jsut realised how that was phrased
22:35 < Zordrak> athlon64 x2 5600+, 4GiB DDR2-800, nVidia GeForce 8400 GS, Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty, Slackware-current, xbmc-11.0_Eden (Final), LG 42LD490
22:37 < theborger> nice. should work good. you going to stream high deff?
22:39 < Tadgy> I didn't know goatpr0n.com was streaming HD :)
22:43 < Zordrak> i cant stream hd
22:43 < Zordrak> only got 3meg
SSSeSSS > [~SSSeSSS@63-231-61-76.tukw.qwest.net] joins #xfs
SSSeSSS : Hi all
sandeen`` : hey there
SSSeSSS : this is the only linux chat i seen so i decided to stop by
SSSeSSS : what do you guys talk about in here
sandeen`` * points at topic ...
SSSeSSS : I am kinda new to the linux world so i dunno but I love linux
SSSeSSS : ya well i figured that much but what about
SSSeSSS : i dont see anyone on the topic if you know what i mean
SSSeSSS : I have not had any problems with my file systems yet
SSSeSSS : are there any gurlz that use linux?? thats what i am really wondering?
SSSeSSS : anyone know of another good linux chat?
2SSSeSSS < [~SSSeSSS@63-231-61-76.tukw.qwest.net] quits [Quit: Leaving]
adrien : ^^
sandeen`` : plonk.
CybDev : lol
CybDev : he really needs to get out more ^^
elder : linux gurlz r teh bomb