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Added: 2013-02-07

<Roin> surrounder: did you ever try LSD? o_o
<Roin> surrounder: does it make people talk about the philosophical background of kitchen utilities?

Added: 2013-02-05

-!- arch [~arch@unaffiliated/arch] has joined ##slackware
< arch> hello
< arch> would anyone like to have sex with me
< arch> i only have platonic sex with other qt girls
< arch> such as myself
-!- mode/##slackware [+o rworkman] by ChanServ
-!- mode/##slackware [+q arch!*@*] by rworkman
<@rworkman> There, you just got fucked.

Added: 2013-02-05

+surrounder │ dutch <3
+surrounder │ it's not a language, it's a throat disease

Added: 2013-02-04

<+theborger> someone show those to Tadgy, tell him this is how you take a joke :)
<+ass|hat> Tadgy: y u no take jokes?
<+sencha> Tadgy is sensitive
<+Alan_Hicks> theborger: Better yet, just let him continue popping his harbl acne across his Mama's bathroom mirror.
<+theborger> OMFG hahaha

Added: 2013-02-01

<+theborger> well someting is getting fucked at my house tonight. either the wife the cat or dogs i dont give a fuck witch one either

Added: 2013-01-29

< iknowit> how hard is it to make 10million dollars income per year on youtube
<+Sandtblood> let me put it this way
<+Sandtblood> no one does

Added: 2013-01-28

<+SpaceJockey> the job I have now had a brutal interview process.
<+SpaceJockey> in order: email interview, phone interview, face to face. Second phone
interview. Face to face, drug test. Face to face interview.
Personality test. Hired.
<+Tadgy> SpaceJockey: Jesus... is it /that/ hard to become a fluffer these days?

Added: 2013-01-28

theborger i have a 1tb drive with 999 bad blocks :)
theborger shit still works
aceofspades19 999 bad blocks and a bitch ain't one
firebird if you havin bad blocks I feel bad for you son....

Added: 2013-01-23

<+pparadis> (it puts the backup on its skin, else it gets the fsck again)

Added: 2013-01-18

« Banish» what does hldsupdatetool.[3540]: segfault at 14 ip b7670307 sp bfc15760 error 4 in libc-2.15 .so[b75fc000+17e000] mean?

There are 2270 quotes.