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Added: 2013-04-20

<+Tadgy> If there is ever a Skynet, it'll be booted by GRUB, run GNU/Hurd and have an Emacs userland.

Added: 2013-04-18

<+sencha> Tadgy: all distributions are perfect
<+Tadgy> sencha: That's what parents say of their children when one of them has 11 fingers, only 1 ear and the IQ of george bush.
<+Stoo> why would a dumb disfigured child care about perfect linux distributions?

Added: 2013-04-12

< rohara> It's 6 steps ahead of !dns
< MajObviousman> makes sense
< MajObviousman> but I can only count to five
< MajObviousman> ten if I use both hands
< MajObviousman> 21 if I'm just waking up

[3 minutes later ...]
< derfy> i get it!

Added: 2013-04-11

<dive> I don't want to be around someone with a face like the back of a bus

Added: 2013-04-09

frater_sx>| usually I attract female cats on heat when I spray myself with Axe

Added: 2013-04-04

<+cmyster> if only midori was a wee bit more useful...
<+Tadgy> Midori is very useful.
<+Tadgy> It's a great advert for use of another browser :)

Added: 2013-04-03

«+cmyster» well,
«+cmyster» unlike a cock, life is always hard

Added: 2013-03-26

on uninstalling software on Fedora:

<cmyster> and ffs why can't I get rid of plymouth ?!?!?!?!
<dive> cmyster, us British have been asking the same question for centuries

Added: 2013-03-25

<surrounder> and why traffic court ?
<Olfway> do you use km/h or mph where you are?
<surrounder> km/h
<Olfway> hang on
<Olfway> i got clocked doing 156 in a 105
<Olfway> so 97mph in a 65mph zone
<surrounder> :|
<surrounder> why the hell did you do that ?
<Olfway> i had to shit

Added: 2013-03-18

(+ antiwire) ok i suck
(+ surrounder) suckysucky 10 dollah!?
(+ antiwire) love u long tieeemmm

There are 2270 quotes.