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Added: 2022-11-21

<J> Hey A, got a quick question for ya, got a second?

<A> Given the current situation with global supply chain and all, I am trying to take great consideration on how the spare seconds I have on hand are consumed....but I think I can spare one.

<A> What's up? XD


Added: 2022-11-01

<1> We have a production service that has a runtime dependency on the state of a wikipedia article?
<2> Not anymore.

Added: 2022-09-22

<david> verified the versioning interaction with pypi to make sure that newer versions are considered newer now

Added: 2022-09-16

<casuallyblue> looks like i need to fix my irc client so it doesn't show PING/PONG in its chat buffer, cause I left it running all day and it has pages and pages of that

Added: 2022-09-13

22:32 <Vaelatern> huh one of my turtles mined the other

Added: 2022-09-06

<_> I don't think its possible to be inocculated against turning into a chimney

Added: 2022-08-16

<a> I think that not allowing the JVM to lock up a full machine might be an improvement.

Added: 2022-08-09

<pat> Agreed - in this context, ‘REST API’ often means 'you didn't invent something weird that's gonna take us weeks to figure out’.

Added: 2022-08-09

<Vaelatern> proof drijen didn't open the link
<drijen> haha, im a meetin
<phy1729> you should have been an email
<Vaelatern> he was, but someone didn't get it so scheduled a meeting

Added: 2022-08-05

<perro> welp
<perro> no more things to procatine on
<phy1729> You could setup aspell in your client.
<perro> tried that
<perro> it's shit
<perro> it gives you some wierd suiglies, doesn't stop you from saying werid stuff

There are 2268 quotes.