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Added: 2023-10-03

12:06 <alanhuang> [10:53:47] spent a few minutes wondering "what the hell is a corn job" before realizing that someone at work just misspelled cron

Added: 2023-10-03

<wntr> how do i noobfarm stuff

Added: 2023-09-27

14:18 <gewt> oh nice. i found my retro vm host again
14:18 <gewt> (i lost what IP it was at and it got buried in the garage, still networked)

Added: 2023-09-24

Grub is an OS that boots an OS

Added: 2023-09-04

<Tadgy> I'm not the best perv, I'm the standard by which it's measured.

Added: 2023-08-15

<Olfway> 99 little bugs in my code, 99 little bugs. Take one down, patch it out
<Olfway> 138 little bugs in my code.

Added: 2023-08-11

<a> it's the trolley problem where you can easily divert the trolley and save 5 people, but you'll have to spend the next day frantically fixing build

Added: 2023-08-07

<Vaelatern> groovy is the first language to only have two characters in it
<Vaelatern> control-c and control-v

Added: 2023-08-04 #systemd broke my #slackware and it's not even installed

Added: 2023-07-27

<drijen> today in story time
<drijen> trying to configure a pair of 1100's via reverse telnert off a router
<drijen> tech has no idea about anything, trouble finding ports and equipment - uses a not rollover cable to do rollover etc
<drijen> two days im working on just getting from the router to the 1100 via reverse telnert
<drijen> vty configs, triple checking connections
<drijen> hours and hours of getting pissed off later
<drijen> tech says "oh hey man, should these 1100s have power?"
<+phy1729> .......
<+phy1729> seriously
<drijen> seriously.
<drijen> im having whiskey for lunch

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