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Added: 2023-07-27

<Skywise> there could be inteligent squids on enceladus
<ndnihil> encephaladus
<lavadonut> or stupid squids
<Skywise> hehe
<Skywise> snufalupaencephaladus
<R2robot> please add this character, sesame street

Added: 2023-07-20

<JordiGH> > Be able to write clean + maintainable code with attention to performance and security, but also be able to ship quickly + scrappily when the occasion calls for it
<JordiGH> A gentleman in dev, but a rake in prod.

Added: 2023-06-21

[talking about a computer]
<drijen> a good retirement for it
<Vaelatern> yeah it'll likely end up being my backup nas actually
<drijen> downright "honoring" it at that point
<Vaelatern> take out the guts and mount it to a board in the house with a tiny smattering of RGB to look sexy
<drijen> haha
<drijen> like a 90's civic

Added: 2023-06-15

<a> Jenkins doesn't do a great job of explaining how this works And even their example repos don't work.
<a> for some reason the US General Services Admin has a public repo with some better examples

Added: 2023-05-25

<maldridge> turns out hard drives are heavy, run hot, and draw a lot of power
<phy1729> inb4 your unit of density is percentage of thermite density
<maldridge> uhhh
<maldridge> brb need to go check some platter chemistry

Added: 2023-05-18

<gewt> the speedtest server is so you can deploy terraform shit right?
<gewt> i’ve lost track of where in the yak mine you are
<maldridge> so have I
<maldridge> fortunately I unrolled this ball of twine behind me as I came in

* camera pans back to show a gordian knot of twine criss crossing scooby doo caves

Added: 2023-03-30

<a> PCB design is "Are you able to get components off the shelf and assemble them in a way that sparks joy for what we need"
<b> I worry if your pcb is sparking

Added: 2023-03-13

<drijen> that day i learned having your tongue cut off would hurt more than you would think

Added: 2023-01-05

<maldridge> motion to order $15 muffins
<Vaelatern> from my cousin's bake shop
<phy1729> :D
<maldridge> (these should be 2 dollars a piece!)
<phy1729> The muffin man is rolling in the dough

Added: 2022-12-19

13:00 <Vaelatern> I built a thing with my hands yesterday. I want to build more things now. Probably going to home depot soon to get more wood

There are 2268 quotes.