<maldridge> you could do it all with base openbsd daemons and then use netauth to manage your accounts
<phy1729> The last yak took a bit over a month to shave
<maldridge> see the fun thing is that your path has ready made yak spots
On other dual battery devices, strategy for charging and taking power from multiple batteries is likely handled by some embedded controller. On Pinephone, this is not handled by anything.
<drijen> man log4j is eating $big_company tooling alive
<drijen> our netbrain instances run on elastisearch
<maldridge> you're surprised?
<drijen> no, but surprised they are moving so flipping slow
<maldridge> java is the COBOL of business
<hodbogi> but I was wondering, has anyone used MooseFS?
<poprocks> the filesystem that only allows Canadian Content?
<phy1729> How many route protocols are you running in your house?
<maldridge> 2?
<maldridge> I think
<phy1729> you aren't sure?
<maldridge> look
<maldridge> I type show route
<maldridge> and the routes are there
<maldridge> I don't ask further questions as to how
for future reference I just took out the health checks and I get everything launching.
<Vaelatern> Any of you actually used Ansible Tower in anger?
<perro> sounds like jenga
<Vaelatern> the site is actually snappy, and I like it
<phy1729> except for the data being crap
<phy1729> which seems like a typical webdev thing
<perro> is that an ad or assault
<perro> yeah but hawaii for 3 years
<perro> it's more expensive there overall, too, yeah?
<drijen> hawaii is not a paradise
<drijen> tbf
<perro> not everywhere can be richardson