<+wigums> cant find the fucking cigarette i just made so i made another, when i went to put it in my mouth i found the original cigarette
<+sodomy> It wouldn't be the first time wigums has had 2 fags in his mouth.
< ryuo>| Workster, it has risen!
* ryuo faints.
<@ Workster>| hah
< nogagplz>| gonna need more context than that
< nogagplz>| for all we know yoy just got hard then fainted from lack of blood to the brain
maldridge: im just entertained that the cost of the larger disk is apparently a deal breaker for just storing both
drijen: you gotta do what you gotta do
drijen: imagine if you lived in third world country. best computer you could buy is a pentium III
phy1729: I could IRC on that
< MajObviousman> on the flip side, engineers need managers/salesmen/marketing/useless folks because ... have you ever seen an engineer try to sell to the average end user?
< ninjabox> I love watching managers congratulate each other on getting things done
< MajObviousm> it's like they're speaking different languages
< MajObviousm> ain't nothing would ever be sold
< drijen> MajObviousman: i sold to the avg end user all the time
< MajObviousman> drijen: what does that say about you then?
< ninjabox> ooooooooo
< CHVNX> I have several bands.
< SpiceMan> all I have is dust in my instrument
< CHVNX> What do you play?
< Dominian> skin flute
< SpiceMan> I can't claim I play.
< SpiceMan> Dominian: that's a toy, not an instrument
< Dominian> hahaha
< MajObviousman> well look, if I stay at the party long enough, odds are I'm going to have to poop
< MajObviousman> if it's a _really_ good party going on all day and night, then most certainly I'll have to poop at least one time, maybe more
< MajObviousman> so, is being a party pooper really a bad thing, or just a digestive act?
<`Eddie|Mac> yes english is pretty much y native lungs
<`Eddie|Mac> native language
«+ wizzoid» An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer
< Cano> I'm developing open source dildo
< Cano> some dude from Japan just bought 10 of those from me
<Upstand> is this a dating network?
<T_D_H> yes
-*- T_D_H takes off his robe and wizards hat
<-- Upstand has left #help
<zi> i think you're supposed to put those on
<T_D_H> this is the brazzers version