rob0, TommyC, easy, right hand slid one key toward the left.
firebird, rob0, not everyone uses both hands to type.... take wigums for example, he types with his nose.... theborger types with a pencil in his mouth (but he puts it in backwards) ;)
majorsecurity, I'm pretty theborger types with his dick
<karl> Transparent terminals are like clear glass toilets. They sound like a good idea until you use them.
< MajObviousman> I just tried to draw a one-line ASCII hammer, but it ended up looking like a penis
< MajObviousman> I'm so ashamed
sodomy, I bet there's some good shit in there that doesn't get seen very often.
theborger, sodomy: in your pants?
theborger, no one has been in sodomy pants for 20 years.
theborger, that person was his mom, she quickly super glued them on.
wigums, lol we were playing round up out in the woods once and my buddy had to take a shit so we gave him poison oak to wipe his ass with.
wigums, poor kid, got it all on his ass dick and balls
<+Beebz> Vidi, vici, veni - I saw, I conquered, I came
<+sodomy> Beebz: I'm pretty sure in your case it's: Vidi, vici, veni cito :)
[Translation: I saw, I conquered, I came quickly]
<+tomaw> I bought a new rub
<+tomaw> err, rug
<@Dominian> lol
<bob> When I have money, I shall :p
<lyrg> yes, yes, that thing... like they say in russian proverb, take a small thing from everyone, and a naked one will have a t-shirt
<bob> Ha nice one
<lyrg> thing .. forgot the word.. what do you use with a needle? one that thing from everyone
<bob> Syringe?
<lyrg> no
<bob> Thread?
<lyrg> LOL
<lyrg> ye
<lyrg> s
<+FatalNIX> I'm a pretty lore princess
< felixjet> does linode accept adult content?
< MajObviousman> as payment?
< buhman> ^ yes
< felixjet> as payment?
< MajObviousman> kinda hard to mail sex
<@caker> heh