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Added: 2015-04-12

rob0, TommyC, easy, right hand slid one key toward the left.

firebird, rob0, not everyone uses both hands to type.... take wigums for example, he types with his nose.... theborger types with a pencil in his mouth (but he puts it in backwards) ;)

majorsecurity, I'm pretty theborger types with his dick

Added: 2015-04-11

<karl> Transparent terminals are like clear glass toilets. They sound like a good idea until you use them.

Added: 2015-04-10

< MajObviousman> I just tried to draw a one-line ASCII hammer, but it ended up looking like a penis
< MajObviousman> I'm so ashamed

Added: 2015-04-10

sodomy, I bet there's some good shit in there that doesn't get seen very often.
theborger, sodomy: in your pants?

theborger, no one has been in sodomy pants for 20 years.

theborger, that person was his mom, she quickly super glued them on.

Added: 2015-04-10

wigums, lol we were playing round up out in the woods once and my buddy had to take a shit so we gave him poison oak to wipe his ass with.
wigums, poor kid, got it all on his ass dick and balls

Added: 2015-04-09

<+Beebz> Vidi, vici, veni - I saw, I conquered, I came
<+sodomy> Beebz: I'm pretty sure in your case it's: Vidi, vici, veni cito :)
[Translation: I saw, I conquered, I came quickly]

Added: 2015-04-08

<+tomaw> I bought a new rub
<+tomaw> err, rug
<@Dominian> lol

Added: 2015-03-20

<bob> When I have money, I shall :p
<lyrg> yes, yes, that thing... like they say in russian proverb, take a small thing from everyone, and a naked one will have a t-shirt
<bob> Ha nice one
<lyrg> thing .. forgot the word.. what do you use with a needle? one that thing from everyone
<bob> Syringe?
<lyrg> no
<bob> Thread?
<lyrg> LOL
<lyrg> ye
<lyrg> s

Added: 2015-03-02

<+FatalNIX> I'm a pretty lore princess

Added: 2015-02-26

< felixjet> does linode accept adult content?
< MajObviousman> as payment?
< buhman> ^ yes
< felixjet> as payment?
< MajObviousman> kinda hard to mail sex
<@caker> heh

There are 2270 quotes.