<dw1> “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.” Mark Twain
<Glaug-Eldare> i dunno, what about naked girls
<Glaug-Eldare> they influence my society
<Glaug-Eldare> and by society i mean my dilz
<dw1> twain had no balls
<dw1> lol
<Mozart> Presumably why he insisted on covering up…
< Skywise> the more you bang it, the more compliant it becomes, try it!
<+majorsecurity> the gf found a grey hair on me today :(
<+Dominian> majorsecurity: it's not a grey hair... it's you growing into wisdom
<+majorsecurity> Dominian: hahaha
<MajObviousman> it has dual NICs
<MajObviousman> not teamed
<MajObviousman> scuse me, two dual NICs
<MajObviousman> a dual 10gb SFP+ and a dual onboard 1gb
<MajObviousman> interesting. When I go to set up nic teaming, the second 10g doesn't show up. Even though nic list shows both are connected
<Kellin> obviously then you should fire the NIC for not being a team player
<MajObviousman> ...
<MajObviousman> get out
<Kellin> =D
<test-gott> hey did someone install bind9 and uses it ?
<codehotter> test-gott: if someone replies 'yes', then it becomes socially difficult to ignore you afterwards.
* | Beebz is watching Bill Bailey Qualmpeddler and pissing himself laughing.
+BP{k} | Beebz: beats having to do work :)
+Beebz | BP{k}, ahh, work's ok, too... a good balance is required, though
+BP{k} | Beebz: hah absolutely. :) lucky it's only checking a few sites to see if apache hasn't strung itself up in an autoreotical type of way. :)
+Beebz | BP{k}, ... which is a real problem with apache :D
+BP{k} | Beebz: Absolutely :)
+Beebz | it was self-pleasuring itself with a php plugin
+BP{k} | haha
+BP{k} | in some kind of freak erotic albanian horror sex play with mysql?
+Beebz | it was using a mysql ballgag, indeed
yorickpeterse | 4
yorickpeterse | woops
jhass | I've seen better passwords
»»» ubuntuguru!sid72676@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-shqegjnoqejnwfio
« ubuntuguru» sodomy: everyone hates you...
««« ubuntuguru!sid72676@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-shqegjnoqejnwfio [part]
< Peng> You need a robot to help you make decisions, MajObviousman.
< Peng> And to help you remember things.
< MajObviousman> I need a robot to help me make decisions
< MajObviousman> but I forget why
< jasonm> You need a robot to help you with brewing more quality beer
< MajObviousman> oh right!
< MajObviousman> I forgot all about that
<GreyGhost1796> does anyone know how to make a password invisible while typing it in to identify my nick?
<GreyGhost1796> weechat
<Dominian> close your eyes
<mxtm> lol