< mwalling_> cluelessone: and you realize that pkgtools and friends are from God Himself?
< BP{k}> and on the first day god did: installpkg universe-1.0-noarch-1.tgz
<mwalling> _3oo3: as i recall, you got banned from #ubuntu for trolling
<_3oo3> mwalling: who, me? never. troll? no way man. You must have me confused with someone of a similar nick :)
<thumbs> he got warned here for the same reason, mwalling. Several times, too.
<dadexter> hummm
theblackbox get's the lynch mob whistle
<dadexter> problem solved
heret|c grabs an old cat5 and makes a noose out of it
< theblackbox> :( someone's been brute forcing my VPN
< i_is_cat> i bruteforced your mom
( linux_stu) i can't lock in windows and if i switch users someone will take the computer
( kethry) you can lock the screensaver, linux_stu
( kethry) even i know that
( rworkman) PWND
< tuxq> I'm at heather's house ... her sister just got home with a carload (or 3) of friends to go swimming .. it's a nuthouse
<@alphageek> tuxq: bikinis?
< tuxq> and since heather is at her internship and both parents are gone i feel old and lame. dentonj i refuse to comment... 16~17 year olds ...
maybe some 18s
< tuxq> they're all changing into bikinis... just had one ask if i minded for her to change in here... before i could answer, liz came in and said
no lol
< tuxq> wanna see heather and her sister?
< tuxq> i took pics of heather's lil sister for prom
< tuxq> im kidding i wouldnt post any pics of her sister
< tuxq> unfortunate as it might be, the grownup in me is starting to srout
< tuxq> sprout too
< rworkman> Yeah, that happens around women in bikinis ;-)
<@alphageek> lol
< tuxq> HAH
< rworkman> Education classes are worthless (and yes, that's from a career educator). Everyone with half a cerebrum gets an A, so long as they jump through the hoops and do the busy work. That's just not for me. I've wasted hours and hours of my life when I could have been doing something worthwhile.
< mwalling> hi: print out the slackbook and take it with you to the bathroom
< mwalling> when you get back you'll know plenty
< hi> i dont go to the bathroom
< oldude67> lol
< oldude67> oh hes full of ____
< andarius> alien huh ?
< hi> yes i have no sexual organs
< Straterra> had a nice date with the gf last night
< Straterra> i dont remember much...but i have a tatoo and my ass hurts
< linux_stu> is a tickless system fine?
< nullboy> i use tickless
< nullboy> on my laptop
< andarius> tickless ?
< nullboy> i'm only using tickless because it makes my epenis bigger
< Straterra> Shit
< Straterra> Bend me over a table and fuck me..I get to work with a Blackberry
* Straterra slams head onto table
* anavel pass dildo to Straterra