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Added: 2007-06-08

< Straterra> I'd do him
< Straterra> Or Brad Pitt

Added: 2007-06-08

01:25 < miss_miranda> Hi
01:25 < miss_miranda> how do you ignore users
01:25 < miss_miranda> on pidgin
01:26 -!- ehc [] has joined #pidgin
01:27 -!- preksh1 [n=prekshu@] has joined #pidgin
01:28 -!- miss_miranda [n=real96@wikipedia/real96] has left #pidgin []

Like that :-)

Added: 2007-06-08

Phone conversation with customer...
customer: $APPNAME doesn't work
me: whats the error?
customer: i dont know. i closed it.
me: can you reproduce it?
customer: $APPNAME was unable to locate $EXTERNALCOMPONENT.
me: did you install $EXTERNALCOMPONENT?
customer: i didn't know i had to
me: it was mentioned in the README file
customer: wheres that?
me: it was displayed at the end of the installer
customer: oh. i usually just close those things

Added: 2007-06-07

* Straterra licks Chuckbot
< Straterra> Mmm...
< Straterra> Tastes like..kernel panic

Added: 2007-06-06

< mwalling> god i am a fuck nut

Added: 2007-06-06

< Straterra> I'll be wearing my ball in a fanny pack..

Added: 2007-06-06

< Alan_Hicks> I swear some people that come in this channel must have run butt-naked through the dumb-ass forest and hit every branch.

Added: 2007-06-04

< Old_Fogie> besides, they say if your angry you live longer.
< rworkman> AHA
< rworkman> That's why married people live longer.
< BP{k}> lol
< rworkman> :D
< Old_Fogie> Well...let's call a spade a spade shall we. If it were not for sex, women would be the most hunted species on the planet :D

Added: 2007-06-04

< kethry> in the process of slug hunting.. i've um..
< kethry> stumbled across quite a few worms having sex
< kethry> and interrupted them

Added: 2007-06-04

< Straterra> girlfriend's friend's brother is gay..
< Straterra> and I was messing with him last was funny

There are 2270 quotes.