< rworkman> Soul_keeper: there are jdk packages available in Slackware /extra. Of course, you could always do that the hard way too. Hell, while
you're at it, go ahead and rebuild the entire distro.
< Soul_keeper> yeah i need to understand how to install java for myself for sure
< WallRat007> There's a legitimate agrument to be made here. In the current age of Core Duos and such, it seems silly to run binaries
pre-compiled for a 386.
< Soul_keeper> yeah
< rworkman> Well, *maybe* for large stuff like X, KDE, OOo, but only *maybe*
< rworkman> They're compiled to run on 486 (not 386) with 686 optimizations, for the record. For Java, it's a binary repackaging anyway, so
there's absolutely no point in doing it yourself.
< WallRat007> Well, you've got a point there. :)
< Soul_keeper> yeah but it's a self extracting binary designed to be extracted where you want it installed, no need to make a package outta that
< rworkman> I mean, if one is curious about where things (should) go and wants to learn that, then sure, just look at Pat's build script for it,
then install the package. Result is the same.
< Soul_keeper> yeah i never trust where people put things, like to do it myself
< rworkman> Soul_keeper: ah, but there *is* a good reason to package it. Have fun removing it when you decide to upgrade.
< Soul_keeper> i guess, i rather just rm -rf it tho
< Soul_keeper> works better than rmpkg or whatever
< rworkman> You obviously missed the point.
< Soul_keeper> you ever try to feed a pet stone ?
< Soul_keeper> that's pretty much where your going with this
< Soul_keeper> you got your way i'm just not eating it
< rworkman> Yeah, I noticed.
< rworkman> You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into.