< tuxq> I'm at heather's house ... her sister just got home with a carload (or 3) of friends to go swimming .. it's a nuthouse
<@alphageek> tuxq: bikinis?
< tuxq> and since heather is at her internship and both parents are gone i feel old and lame. dentonj i refuse to comment... 16~17 year olds ...
maybe some 18s
< tuxq> they're all changing into bikinis... just had one ask if i minded for her to change in here... before i could answer, liz came in and said
no lol
< tuxq> wanna see heather and her sister?
< tuxq> i took pics of heather's lil sister for prom
< tuxq> im kidding i wouldnt post any pics of her sister
< tuxq> unfortunate as it might be, the grownup in me is starting to srout
< tuxq> sprout too
< rworkman> Yeah, that happens around women in bikinis ;-)
<@alphageek> lol
< tuxq> HAH