< neil-> Agiofws, I'm selling a machine that produces hot women on demand, cleans the house, and washes the dishes, and fits in your pocke
< BP{k}> nullboy: :)
< neil-> It also gives great blow-jobs
< neil-> $150 and its yours..
< neil-> Wanna paypal me the funds now?
< Agiofws> neil-, for 150 bucks ?
< neil-> yeah
< Agiofws> you accept paypal ?
< neil-> yeah
< Agiofws> ok send me you account i need one desperately
< oneforall> whois oneforall
<@alphageek> loser
< Straterra> so i can visualize my jealousy?
< tecky> yes
< Straterra> ok
< tecky> visualize and recognise :)
< Straterra> you know...your side of the bed..its still open...if you ever wanna come back...
* jpipkin blinks.
From #freenode
< starshine> kicks, bans, ban-forwards, ban % (quietmode) are the call of a channel op
< starshine> these and chatting with a troublemaker to convince them to be calmer are considered normal tools of management
< chris_punches> wellll...that's the problem....someone used some chanserv access to ban me from my own channel after spamming my topic all morning
-!- Zoiks [n=matt@] has joined #pidgin
< Zoiks> hey guys
< Zoiks> just wondering when 2.1 is coming out
< johang> Zoiks: thursday possibly
-!- Zoiks [n=matt@] has left #pidgin []
< elb> great, now he'll be back on thursday
< Err> that's better than him coming back tomorrow
< macavity> fred: as in, you are not the guys who had problems with
rt2500 just before, right?
< BP{k}> macavity: it was until fred showed up with fred, and fred here
thought it was better that he had fred, instead of fred or fred,
so there is no confusion about which fred fred is, so we can
stop fretting about fred :)
( snL20) palestino: right click the slit
< shrimpbong> maybe my computer is a piece of shit and im a moron.
< kethry> Straterra: if you visit.. i'll treat you to a donner
< Straterra> Um
< Straterra> No offense..
< Straterra> But..
< Straterra> Do you HAVE to?
< boricua> how can i kill a network connection made to my machine
< XGizzmo> unplug your network cable
< mwalling_> boricua: an individual connection or your entire interface?
< boricua> mwalling, tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
< XGizzmo> lol
< mwalling_> boricua: /quit
< XGizzmo> thats your irc connection
< XGizzmo> LMAO
< boricua> duh me :-) i forgot