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Added: 2007-08-02

( chris_punches) i dont have fits
( scorchsaber) it's constant?

Added: 2007-07-29

< chris_punches> seriously though it's 'bout time i read some docs
< scorchsaber> chris_punches: ... :(
< fred> true.
< thrice`> we know
< mwalling> yep

Added: 2007-07-29

< BP{k}> Swaret; slaptget; The dark side of the Source are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a install. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it consume your boxen, borken them it will.

Added: 2007-07-29

chris_punches: Erno: no, puerto rico is why she's burnt. I think you forgot about your shoe-spoon crusade

Added: 2007-07-28

( XGizzmo) you know you have been up to late when your daily corn jobs start
(+rworkman) XGizzmo: you get a daily corn job??
(+rworkman) Damn.

Added: 2007-07-28

< BP{k}> andarius: not a lot more .. but I can save you a wee bit of trouble :)
< andarius> if you are driven that would be cool. in return i will do my best to assist you if you ever need it with builds. or with anything else really :)
< andarius> and thanks a bunch
< Straterra> How about..
< Straterra> Goat porn?
< BP{k}> I prefer sheep
* andarius prefers well shaven beavers :)
< BP{k}> *facepalm* well we can all guess where that will end up

Added: 2007-07-28

< jpipkin> I wrote some shell scripts...
< jpipkin> I've almost entirely replaced one of the morons in our company with a set of shell scripts, actually.

Added: 2007-07-26

< mwalling_> don't say that
< Straterra> Wy?
< mwalling_> makes you sound retardrd
< Straterra> why?^
< Straterra> No no no
< Straterra> It's really cool
< mwalling_> no
< mwalling_> its retarderd
< Straterra> You know what?
< Straterra> I have anger issues :P
< Straterra> I'm gonna go call an oper

Added: 2007-07-26

< oldude67> Agiofws, you been drinking chris_punches water???

Added: 2007-07-26

In ##otaku:
<+fred> Okay... on /one/ computer I'm watching an anime that's currently
focussing on suicide.
<+fred> On the other, I'm watching you talk about installing solaris.
<+Ketche> Good times.

There are 2270 quotes.