< straterra> I want to fucking assrape the Intel fuckfaces and give them all HIV
< mulletron> yeah, its 62% slower than catalyst
< mulletron> I think Tim is the only person who will get that
< fred> something's slower than catalyst?
< Tim> Hah.
< fred> I might not get it, but I can troll it.
<@lamby> fred: You're my new role model. :)
< fred> do it harder baby!
< cchan> Host 'zeus', running Linux 2.6.20-16-server - Cpu0: Intel 1715
MHz; Up: 3d+17:09; Users: 2; Load: 0.06; Free: [Mem: 6/496 Mio]
[Swap: 1467/1475 Mio] [/: 66585/73667 Mio]; Vpenis: 49 cm;
Note: pay attention to the last item.
* fred shines goatse into the sky
< straterra> ?
< noirlord> BP{k}: she's seen my place, if she hasnt figured out Im a geek by now (especially after tripping over the CAT-5 coming out the bathroom) she is not as intelligent as I give her credit
< mwalling_> noirlord: ... why do you have cat5 in the bathroom?
< mwalling_> they invented wifi for a reason
< StevenR> mwalling_: hey! that might be the best cable run!
< BP{k}> mwalling_: for flossing ;)
< rworkman> Flossing what?
< BP{k}> rworkman: use your imagination :P
* mwalling_ wonders who would need gigabit to the shitter besides straterra
* acidchild wants fiber directly to the toilet
< acidchild> :D
< rworkman> mwalling_: that's just for the webcam, though, right?
< acidchild> oh gross.
< thrice`> ok, goes to show what 1 hour of sleep gets you
< thrice`> I put my boxers on backwards this morning, and didn't even notice...
< thrice`> lol...stepped up to the urinal, and start laughing at my stupidity
< straterra> Atleast I don't need penis enlargement
< Dominian> straterra: I use it
< Dominian> that was at 8:58am
< Dominian> mwalling_: give it time
* mwalling_ is impotent
< mwalling_> er
< mwalling_> impatient
Alan_Hicks bans metbsd a.k.a. mmmm a.k.a. slackfaceware a.k.a. slapfaceware again
-!- mode/##slackware [+b *faceware*!*@*] by Alan_Hicks
-!- slapfaceware was kicked from ##slackware by slackboy [Banned]
< nullboy> the force has been balanced.
-!- mode/##slackware [+b *!*@58.60.*] by Alan_Hicks
< CaptObviousman> school's starting back up
< CaptObviousman> hopefully he'll disappear
< rk4n3> CaptObviousman: yeah, but kindergarden is only half-days