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Added: 2007-09-07

<thrice`> damn, I can't get this to come out
<mwalling_> thrice`: pull harder
<BP{k}> thrice`: we told you to use lube :P
<thrice`> she's 21, I shouldn't have to !

Added: 2007-09-05

< kethry> he's determined to educate me.. he's dragging the DVD of top gun out
< straterra> OH YEAH
< straterra> Kick ass movie
< straterra> And Tom Cruise is hot
< straterra> Even if he is short..and weird

Added: 2007-09-05

< BP{k}> faggots and bash .. food for the geek ;)

Added: 2007-09-05

< kethry> mmmmmm faggots and mash for tea :)

Added: 2007-09-04

< fred> I don't mind FF overly much, as I have 3GB of RAM.

Added: 2007-09-04

13:02 < heret|c> straterra: when don't you feel like anally raping something?
13:03 < straterra> When it works
13:03 < thrice`> not even a little...?
13:05 < straterra> Ok
13:05 < straterra> I lied

Added: 2007-09-01

< Dagmar> Maybe someday he'll realize this isn't stuff you learn by talking to your friends and reading InformationWeek. It's like eating pussy. There is no substitute for practice, practice, and more practice.

Added: 2007-08-31

11:13 -!- heret|c_toilet [] has joined ##woodchucks

Added: 2007-08-29

< scorchsaber> fixed, huh?
< scorchsaber> Ubuntu, you say?
< scorchsaber> What's your favorite part of Ubuntu?
< ricky> Laughing at it :)

Added: 2007-08-29

< noirlord> nullboy, my job involves selling machines running vista to
joe public, so unless you are employed as a land mine tester
my day is always worse! ;)

There are 2270 quotes.