< fred> _HAKERA_: Actually, just GAFC about encryption and encrypted protocols.
< _HAKERA_> is it sniffer?
< DieRatte> _HAKERA_, what do you want?
< _HAKERA_> to snif password and so
< _HAKERA_> in our network
< _HAKERA_> :)
< DieRatte> _HAKERA_, ahh, there is your problem
< DieRatte> _HAKERA_, you need Gentoo to sniff
< _HAKERA_> yes! my problem :)
< fred> DieRatte: :D
< DieRatte> _HAKERA_, its way better for that task than slackware
< Danet> DieRatte: nice pass :)
< armata> lol
< _HAKERA_> ok ok
< _HAKERA_> i go...
< _HAKERA_> bye
( Agiofws) but i went through hell to get it up
< Agiofws> rworkman, buts its only 1/2 a pkg manager
< rworkman> Agiofws: wrong.
< Agiofws> it does not doanload and install doe it from a main reposiry right ?
< rworkman> Look, a package manager does exactly what it's name implies -- it manages packages. It's not a dependency manager.
< Agiofws> it does not download and install from a main repository right ?
< rworkman> Agiofws: No, it does not. In other news, cows don't shit on power lines.
< AbortRetryFail> yeaaaah windows is a bit picky about who what and where it lives.
< AbortRetryFail> it's like the snobby lady with the 6 obnoxious kids who moves in the apartment across the hall from a rock band.
< kethry> its only hard if you make it hard.
< memunkey> I should learn how to call myself an idiot in Klingon
DieRatte - which is why I like gay men
< CygnusX1> test
< nullboy> CygnusX1: can't see you, disconnect and rejoin, might help
< CygnusX1> roger that
-!- CygnusX1 [n=CygnusX1@c-69-245-162-6.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit]
< raela> I like how cdparanoia looks.. hrm, maybe that's what's wrong with my computer.. it's paranoid
< Alan_Hicks> If I was your computer I'd be scared too.