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Added: 2007-08-23

< chris_punches> nobody trusts my binaries :(

Added: 2007-08-22

* NetEcho slaps everyone
-!- mode/#slackman [+o rworkman] by ChanServ
<@rworkman> Excuse me?
-!- mode/#slackman [-o rworkman] by rworkman
< rworkman> ;-)
* NetEcho slaps rworkman doubly as hard :P
* rworkman rips NetEcho's ears off and stables them to his ass.
< rworkman> Now you can hear me when I kick it.
< NetEcho> nooooooooo
< NetEcho> how will I hear music now?
< rworkman> Fart.

Added: 2007-08-21

< AbortRetryFail> that's why i taught my girlfriend how mount/umount works.
< rworkman> AbortRetryFail: yeah, I like teaching women how to mount.
< AbortRetryFail> ;)
< rworkman> ;p
< andarius> man mount
< rworkman> andarius: if that's what you like, sure.

Added: 2007-08-21

PeterS: why does linux blow?
dadexter: because you take too much brain damaging drugs?

Added: 2007-08-21

< Dagmar> john: You can get them from pretty much anywhere, but take anything from as if you found it on the sidewalk
< Dagmar> Don't just pop it into your mouth without giving it a careful examination
* mwalling_ thought that was going to be a whore analogy
< Dagmar> C'mon
< Dagmar> No one actually patronizes street hookers
< Dagmar> All the good ones have 800 numbers you can call

Added: 2007-08-21

< nullboy> i installed bsd onto my shop vac with just a rubber tube and some duct tape
< Dagmar> So now it can suck properly?

Added: 2007-08-21

< Dagmar> ArmOrAttAk: Please don't breed.

Added: 2007-08-20

<andarius> they let chicks in the marines now ?
<mwalling> andarius: they were going to let me in... so i would say yes

Added: 2007-08-20

< straterra> butt plug...

Added: 2007-08-18

< Dagmar> thrice`: dude you can piss off if you can't be civil

There are 2270 quotes.