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Added: 2007-08-17

< kethry> i'm going to resist making any reply to that. or it'll wind up on noobfarm.

Added: 2007-08-16

* andarius makes the pussy earn its screen time
* BP{k} wonders why andarius is playing with his pussy

Added: 2007-08-15

* CaptObviousman probably should start going to the Dallas LUG meetings, seeing as it's a few blocks from his apt
< rob0> ntlug?
< nullboy> the closest LUG to me claims Linux is a version of Unix....
< Alan_Hicks> nullboy: The closest LUG to me claims that Ubuntu is a version of Linux.

Added: 2007-08-14

< NetEcho> Oh btw thrice` I sent the sperm bank to collect my donation from your mom
< NetEcho> she cleaned me right out :P
< thrice`> yeah, they couldn't find any because you couldn't get it up, they said
< NetEcho> ouch backfire

Added: 2007-08-13

< mwalling> nullboy: i reassigned my nipple to scroll

Added: 2007-08-11

< rob0> WWJD? JWRTFM.

Added: 2007-08-10

< chris_punches> GYAH! Why do you people keep EDUCATING ME.
< chris_punches> <-- was better off stupid

Added: 2007-08-09

< nullboy> you twisted bartards
* sladegen throws a tard into bar... it falls, stands up after a moment, dusts itself off and asks for a drink.

Added: 2007-08-09

< rk4n3> pirating Vista seems kinda like stealing Hitler's dirty underwear - you're never going to get away with it, and what the heck you want it for, anyway ?

Added: 2007-08-09

< muhkuh> there _must_ be a chance to get a graphical output on this system
< dadexter> honestly, there's a better chance that we'll see a pig jumping out of oneforall's butt
< dadexter> you'll probably have to stick to the command line
< muhkuh> so i will wait for it ;)

There are 2270 quotes.