( straterra) i am the first person to have 75 different incurrable std's
<mwalling> chris_punches: if you are following this conversation, remember that since their line voltage is twice ours, their current draw is half. so a 5A cable is 10A, or about the size of a standard 2 prong extension coard with the three outlets at the end
<chris_punches> well that's enough to microwave your dinner
< chris_punches> shit. I'm the asshat. I hate that. I was so sure
there wasn't one.
< blabaxx> anyone seen swaret ?
< fred> Well, it ran away a few years back. It's not came back since. I
think it's scared of the shotgun.
< nullboy> blabaxx: i saw it and i missed with my first shot but got it
with my second
< heret|c> too bad my upload is like a soggy dialup connection to a trojanized windows 98 machine
< mulletron> can someone comment on compatibility of apache and lgpl
<@lamby> /* on compatibility of apache and lgpl please */
* nullboy bends over GOGOGOG
< rworkman> straterra: ping
-!- nullboy was kicked from ##slackware by nachox [nachox]
< rworkman> Well, damn. I was hoping straterra would get to him first.
< straterra> rworkman: pong
< rworkman> Too late.
< straterra> eh?
< rworkman> 19:13 * nullboy bends over
< straterra> Oh
< rworkman> straterra: ^^
< straterra> ...
< rworkman> ;-)
[re chris_punches]
< rob0> I'm not going to be nice to him if he pops into any channels
where I am. I won't be rude, but I will be direct.
< straterra> I'll be rude
< mmeeks> btimothy: seriously, the solution for a window sizing
bug is not to throw away the entire system and buy a Mac ;-)
< rob0> in.identd is safe, and you never know, it might help you. I always enable it.
< mighty-d> rob0: so ill keep it, but how can i use it?
< Dagmar> mighty-d: It's kinda like using a wall. It's just there.